Recent content by AbAbber2k

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    More rediculous hippy bullsh1t. :p JK. Not really sure what the point of this post is. Most of those foods (or many of them) should be regular parts of anyone's diet anyway, especially if they're into fitness/bodybuilding/just eating healthy. Your pH is something your body maintains through...
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    Clinical effects of Non Masturbation for 3 weeks??

    rofl... masturbation-induced psychological damage... that'll be the day. I think it takes a pretty fvcked up person to be so affected by masturbation (excessive or otherwise).
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    bushy eyebrows & spray on tans

    The fat causes them to brown nicely? Like the difference between cooking with oil or on a bare pan maybe? :D On a more serious note though.... WTF?!?!?!
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    2 weeks no change

    Measuring your BF% with a scale is just about the most worthless thing you can be doing right now. If you're really so concerned about numbers you should buy fat calipers. Warboss is right, the mirror doesn't lie. If you've gained 5lbs but look a little better, chances are that's muscle...
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    tips for dealing with fatigue

    Sleep can help a lot too. :p Somtimes it only takes ONE night of good sleep (around 8 hours) to completely revitalize me after only getting ~6 during the week and absolutely dragging. Sleep is incredibly important... DONT FORGET THAT.
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    Cardio in evening/night: A Waste?

    Adipose tissue (fat) is broken down and used as a primary energy source primarily around 20 minutes into a moderately intense workout, so you're gonna want to be doing cardio for at least 40 minutes each session. Also, due to the way the body utilizes (burns, if you want to use marketing...
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    skinny wrists, skinny ankles

    There is no exercise that will increase the size of your frame, ie, your BONES. Your wrist is almost completely bone and tendon (same with your ankle), you're not gonna make it any bigger so learn to live with it. Adding mass to your arms, especially your forearms, will give the illusion of...
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    Some work-out Q's

    Well, I workout to a split routine. Upper body one day, lower body the next. But if you're gonna do em both the same day you should do squats first IMHO. How long are you spending in the gym? Perhaps by the time you get to the bench you've been lifting too long to have much energy left to...
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    I think my dumbbell bench press form is messed... suggestions??

    They build grip strength, thus, forearms. Shrugs do the same thing. Holding two plates together between your thumb and fingers (edge together) is a good forearm workout as well.
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    Squat for big arms

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    Squat for big arms

    I'd agree to a point. I absolutely love weighted pull-ups/chins, which is a pretty "direct" bicep workout... of course they have the added benefit of working other important parts of your body too, but you get my point. Aside from that, the only other direct bicep work I do is dumbell curls...
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    Some work-out Q's

    Squats aren't hurting your upper body gains. More likely it's just a lack of energy, possibly from a poor diet. Work on your overall diet + make sure you get some carbs for energy before you workout (~30min before).
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    Squat for big arms

    Deadlifts have the extra benefit of greatly increasing grip strength, which in turn increases forearm size, something a lot of people seem to have trouble with/neglect.
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    Gaining Weight!?!

    Eat more, lift harder... and read the bulking guide. It should tell you exactly what you're looking for.
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    no facial hair!!?

    I can't grow much more than side burns or a goat and I'm 23... facial hair is overrated anyway (and shaving is a pain in the ass).