Seeing a girl who is fascinated by serial killers


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Have been seeing an otherwise great girl who checks all the other boxes. Solid HB 8 as well. Has a masters degree, teaches autistic teenagers and buys me stuff constantly even though i make much more money than her. Says she is head over heels in love with me blah blah. I am the 5th guy she has ever been with. Not ideal but not terrible either. She doesn't party, go out or sleep around and is always very positive and bubbly acting.

However, she has this weird fascination with serial killers and says she wrote her thesis paper on a famous one from the 1800s. Case in point, she watches that netflix show "the serpent" constantly.

I watched a few episodes with her out of curiosity because she always remarks at how interesting the main character is. I found him to be a disgusting vile character but has all the classic dark triad traits so i can see why the opposite sex would find him attractive in some way. But...

She also likes to constantly remark that a lot of serial killers are amazing because they were often sexually abused as children and are geniuses that so in her words "incredibly intelligent and can make other people do what they want them to do."

Any ways....i was taking her somewhat serious at first but i think this one thing is just too much of a red flag and turn off to me. Am going to start dating other girls and seeing her less often. Another thing that annoys me about her is her favorite music is depressing overly hard rock groups from the 90s. Like just ****ty depressing loud borderline satanic sounding grunge music. To her credit she likes a a wide range of music though but just like the serial killer thing that is what she is most attracted to.

Who else this would be a deal breaker for on here? Tell me i am not crazy ha. Looks wise she is stunning. Looks just like the actress Selma Hayack in her prime younger years. At the very best case scenario ...besides the sex we have almost zero in common interest wise. The more time that i spend with her, talking to her is incredibly draining feeling and gives me a headache. Guess ill just start seeing other girls on the side and tell her to relax with all the love bombing stuff and we should slow down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Who else this would be a deal breaker for on here? Tell me i am not crazy ha.
Look on the bright side.

If you ever break up and want her back, just go out and take care of some motherfvckers.

Yeah, you'll be on death row, but you'll have your gal back.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Just get her to watch something else milder like Sherlock Holmes or something more mystery-suspense but does not involve real life serial killers.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Just get her to watch something else milder like Sherlock Holmes or something more mystery-suspense but does not involve real life serial killers.

Yeah...she told me that she binge watches the serpent daily at her home. Weird stuff imo.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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I be afraid to close my eyes with her.....i mean you never know.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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You should binge watch the Netflix show You with her, she would love it because it is about a serial killer but it's not real world so it's a lot less creepy. Dexter is another such show.

I don't think her tastes are a problem unless she comes off like she's going to go on her own killing spree or push you to become the Oklahoma City Strangler for her own fantasies or something lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Taken from another post:

Scars said:
This is going to be controversial to say, but if you handle every situation with women the same way a sociopath/psychopath would, then you're doing it correctly.

Before people get it twisted I'm talking about charming psychopaths like Ted Bundy. Also I will use both terms interchangeably but I understand they are two completely different things.

What can a guy learn from a serial killer to perfect his game?

- Charm
- Wittyness
- Fearlessness
- Ability to handle confrontation
- Power/strength
- Intelligence
- Not give a sh*t what people think

Sociopaths/psychopaths have all these qualities and practice them effortlessly because it's hard coded into them and women LOVE it.

What would a sociopath do if he was confronted with a sh!t test?
He would act indifferent.

Girl not calling back?
He would go about his day and not think twice.

Plate blows him off on the first date?
That's ok, he's charming so he can easily get another.

Of course there will be people who read this and try to pick it apart. Obviously I'm not saying you should k!ll women or any extreme sh!t like that, nor should you look up to psychopaths as "role models", but there definitely is something to be learned from them.

Why did Ted Bundy have a cult following of women lusting over him? Even after he was found guilty.

Why do women love to watch true crime and serial killer documentaries?

Just a few things to think about.