What's the worst that could happen?


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Hey guys, just popping in with a quick tip, since I haven't posted in quite some time around here.

It's just downright pointless to ever avoid opening a girl. I mean, if she is standing in the general vicinity of you, why not go over and talk to her? What is the absolute worst that could happen?

Say you're at a party, and she is over on the other side of the room - if she has a group of friends with her, who cares, bring a wing if you feel you can't do it solo. When you get over there, just talk to your wing a little too loudly...say to your wing "Wow, I've never seen so many hot girls in one place before", or something equally stupid. Just put the fact out there that you're impressed at the attractiveness of the girls in the house tonight. Obviously, if you're near her at this point, she'll hear, and she'll take note - regardless if she says anything to you or not. Now you've got her attention, and you can open her easily. Don't even worry about neghits or anything silly like that - you've let her know that she's hot, so what? If this makes her ego go bonkers and she shuts you down, she's a tool. Otherwise, you've already got a solid in.

Keep in mind that's just an example, and a rather poor one at that - my point is that you don't need amazing game or skills to get in with girls, even HS girls. All you need is some balls - it's not like your life depends on picking up, so don't put that much stress on yourself over it.

More and more, I see guys just too damn scared to make their move on girls, or even open them. Let me tell you something - this just makes everything easier for us. By opening a girl yourself, you show that you're a confident guy, and you set yourself apart from all the other tools who just stare at her and wonder all night long. If you want to GET action, you have to TAKE action. (Damn, that's a good quote :))

One last thing, guys: keep your damn eyes open. If you think us guys go on the prowl for girls, girls hunt for guys JUST AS MUCH AS WE HUNT FOR THEM. In other words, they look to pick us up, too. However, as has been pointed out so many times:

(of course, there are exceptions: ugly girls, take-charge women, sometimes any woman will...but I digress.)

Women have this weird way of trying to pick you up: they will PUT YOU IN A VERY EASY POSITION TO PICK THEM UP. It sounds confusing, but it really isn't. If a girl is feeling you, she will definitely make herself much more accessible and available, and her presence around you will increase. I know this has been said before but I want to stress it again, because my buddies miss SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES. If she changes her routine to try to meet/talk to you, you're IN, buddy. You just need to capitalize.

A stupid little trick I usually pull here in university is, if I get the feeling a girl is into me, I'll sit in a different place than usual in class and watch what she does. This works even in a very large (i.e. 500+ students) lecture hall. Just sit in a different place than usual and see what she does - one lecture, a certain girl looked at my usual spot almost every minute when class started, expecting me to show up. She nearly stared a hole through my usual seat, I swear. She then looked to her right about halfway through class, and spotted me, and I caught some halfway glances the rest of class. In like Flynt, baby. ;)

If a girl seems to be showing up near you a lot lately, or just always conveniently runs into you between classes, etc. etc., she's all about it.

Just watch what's going on - I got a TA interested in me by just telling her that her new haircut looked good during one of our class tutorials. She laughed it off, but after class, she came over to me, made some fluffy opener to talk to me, and chatted for a bit - and eventually asked me what I thought looked so good about her hair. Come on, it doesn't get much easier than this, guys. She opens me and sets me up, all because of a small little fluff compliment.

Time is running short, so the take-home points on this post are:

- Just open - it doesn't matter how hot she is or how 'impossible' you might think it is.
- How bad can it be? What do you REALLY have to lose?
- Keep on the lookout for women giving you the opportunities to pick up, because it happens way the hell more than anybody thinks.
- Don't be afraid to toss out a compliment, if used wisely (i.e. one in a while, not every time), they will get you in like crazy.

Take it easy, guys. I'll try to check replies, but no promises on that.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
haha @ the TA.... Good post Luscious
Grrrr @ this post. It is so simple yet I haven't been doing this as of late...(logs off and works on gettin over this crutch)


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Needed to hear this as well...great post. Definately got me pumped up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
As Lucscious pointed out, complimenting girls does work, especially at this early stage as they are all insecure, how do you think the older guys get in their pants: two things.

1) Being cool - this is easy, having guts makes you cool

2) Complimenting them

Thats pretty much it at high school and (hopefully) its the same at University


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Dude, this post is the absolute truth. Add it to the bible.

Here's a nice little analogy for the idiots out there (attributed to Maniac High on mASF):

You're a salesman. Your job is to pitch the product to the girls as well as you can. You KNOW that you have something to offer. You try your best to let the girl know what she's dealing with and what a great PRIVILEDGE it is for her to even have a chance with you.

If she's dumb, then she will refuse. At least you know that you presented a good product as well as you could. It's her fault that she didn't take the bait.

It's like showing up to some girl's front door, holding a check in your hand, telling her that she has won 1 million dollars. If she slams the door in your face, then that's her problem. Take the check to some other girl. You can write as many of these checks as you want, they never expire.

Remember, you are the prize. This is the only frame to have. Not having this frame will cause one-itis, AFC behavior, and general weakness.

You are not trying to get in HER good graces, she is trying to get into YOURS. You just happen to like some of her traits are willing to let her have a tryout. If she doesn't pass the tryout, she gets cut.

Simple as that. Don't think AFC thoughts. Remember that you are the prize and that she should be begging to be with you. Period.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Let's give this one more bump.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Great post!

Not only for high schoolers, but for everyone really.

Let me add to it...

The #1 reason why guys just CANT approach girls is because they have not had any PRACTICE at it. And the reason that they have not had practice is not only because they don't approach girls they're interested in, they're not the type to approach anyone at ALL, not even GUYS they want to get to know.

It's just like performing a piece on a musical instrument: If you have not practiced beforehand, you will freeze up, draw a blank, and not be able to do it when it "counts". This is why I say to practice approaching girls OFTEN, even girls that you aren't that interested in. This will help you get practice in on girls that you WOULD be interested in talking to.

Say "hi" to girls more often, open up to more girls than just ones that you want to hook up with. Go up to people and talk to them, ask them how their day was, start conversations with them. Be open to any girls who approach YOU as well, even if you aren't interested in them at first. All of this will help you to become better at approaching women that you DO happen to feel interested in.

And I don't care how you have to do it. If you're new at this, go out one day and just say "hi" to as many girls as you possibly can, nothing else, just "hi". I don't care how pretty or old they may be, go out and do that one day. You will find yourself more able to start conversations with girls because you will become amazed at the conversations you can start with just a simple "hi", plus this will do tremendous wonders for your fear, too.

Most guys overthink the approach when it needs to come from WITHIN. Stop making it WORK and start making it a SKILL that you have to harness.