What would you do if your wife wanted to adopt?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I was thinking about the last thread I started - the woman who sent her Russian adoptee back and now has to pay child support - and I started doing some digging online. It seems that there are some mothers who already have kids, and want to adopt a kid, but not want to (or not able to) have another bio kid.

It seems to me that even if a family didn't have any kids, from the father's point of view, adopting a kid is like being a party to cuckoldery. I suppose that if a man can't have any kids - or feels that he is too old to put up with a baby, etc., - that it could make sense to get cuckolded. But in the situation I mentioned, there already are his own (presumably) kids, and that it seems like the wife is making a demand that to keep the marriage together - which of course, includes access to the golden vajaja - that he submit to this cuckoldery.

My opinion: :down:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Well, personally I wouldn't adopt and wouldn't give in to an ultimatum to adopt.

I don't necessarily see adoption as cuckoldry. If the man and woman are truly doing it to help raise unwanted children, I salute that. But as with having kids the natural way, both parents should be on board.

Some people complain that adoption encourages "mistakes" and messes with mother nature. Maybe that's true but realistically these children exist so if someone wants to raise one more power to 'em.