The difference between confidence, attitude, and arrogance


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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I see it everyday in High School. Some guy will walk around like he owns the place, will say anything he wants to anyone, and will get away with it. Confidence? Nope. Arrogance. Confidence means you feel good about yourself, but on a sensible level. Arrogance means you feel like you can do no wrong. Attitude is the deciding factor which seperates the two. You can be the most confident man in the world and as long as your attitude is in check, you won't be arrogant. Treat everyone with respect and feel good about yourself? Confidence. Treat everyone like dirt beneath your feet and feel good about yourself? Arrogance. You have two types of attitude. Positive and negative (dear god, I'm sounding like my mother!) If it's positive, your confident. So obviously, if it's negative, your arrogant. For it to be positive, here are a few things you can do:

- Be nice to everyone. See that geek in the corner who noone talks to? Chat with him, brighten up his day. Remember, what goes around, comes around, and the same people you see on your way up, you'll see when you crash down.

- Respect yourself. Don't go putting yourself down all the time. Everything has two meanings. Remeber, things aren't always as they seem.

- Keep your ego in check. Inflated ego leads to arrogance. If your the best basketball player in the school, that doesn't mean you have to call out the smaller people and humiliate them. Sure, you can show off every once in a while, but noone really wants to see you pull off a 360 reverse, tomahawk jam every play.

- Keep calm. This can not be stressed enough. Hot heads lead to one-upsmanship, which leads to arrogance and ego battles. Someone insulting you? Brush it off. They just want an ego boost and they get that by seeing you fight back. They will go away.

Follow these items and you should be good to go!

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