New Member here, Hi!


New Member
Jul 18, 2004
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I'd just like to introduce myself here and give everyone a little summary of who I am.

I am a 19 year old college student, currently on summer break.

About 4 months ago, I saw this site (and a few others similar [get girls, fast seduction, double your dating... etc ] ) and I became interested. I was a 300lbs fat man at that time; however, over the past 4 months, I have patched my life back together. I went on a hardcore Atkins diet and lost 95 lbs and am now down to 205lbs. I look and feel much better about myself and my confidence level has skyrocketed since. I've recently read the "DJ Bible", I've read David Deangelo's Double your dating, etc... and I've got to say that this site is by far the best I've seen pertaining to the subject matter at hand.
I admit, I've only had 1 girlfriend in my past life, and sadly, am still a virgin. ~_~ I've had a few 'chances' here and there; however, I continuously pass them up; though I know not why.
Anyway, I wont go into 'too' much detail about my life [too late... ^_^*], but that's about who I am in the areas of confidence and dating.

Now, I also would like to ask for some help.

I've always been the isolated type. My past was full of people who hated me, mainly because of negativity and horrible outlook on life. Only recently has my outlook changed. I am a horrible conversationalist. (On the internet, its all good, but in real life, I just cant seem to spit out the words I want, or I just go blank). I've missed out on a lot of my life, and I need to learn how to get back into life and start living again. I need to learn how talk to just people in general before I start trying to rack up my # of girlfriends. I want to start living my life the way it is meant to be lived, full of great times, laughter, women, and whatever else life brings my way.
So there ya go. I'm here to learn. I'll keep reading all the thread, and re-read the bible many times. (its great stuff!).
*waves to the forum*
I hope to get to know some of you eventually. Seems like a great community here.



New Member
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
I've read most of it.
(by the way, can someone fill me in on some of the abbreviations here? AFC, LTR, etc... Don't shoot me, I'm just a newbie. ^_^)


Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Good for you in losing that much weight in only 4 months. Its good to be striving for better and always trying to improve yourself.

I'm actually in a similar situation, 19, in university and with pretty much no girlfriend experience.

The difference, is i'm pretty good with people, and the way I suggest you acquire that skill is to get involved at school.

Join clubs, participate in things. It gives you a good start to a conversation (assuming your club is about something), and it'll give you plenty of practice to get better.

If you just really suck at conversations, then think beforehand. Well, if I can't think of anything to say, then I have these 3 topics to bring up.

However, the best tip I can leave you, is to ask people about themselves. You're talking about the most interesting thing: them. People love to talk about themselves. However, you don't want to seem like an interrogator. Its a fine line, but it isn't too hard to find.

Good luck.
