Never thought this would be a problem


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
First of all, I got laid last night. I attribute this entirely to the DJ techniques discussed here. In my case C+F was the trick. So let the Doubting Thomases take note. :cool:

This is the problem though. It having been some extended period of no bedroom activity, I was a bit anxious/nervous and my performance was subpar. At first I couldn't even begin because I was only like 90% there if you get my meaning, even with her giving me a handjob for a few minutes (she wouldn't give me oral for some reason). It was finally cooperative enough to proceed but didn't last as long as it should have. I am pretty sure this was a problem with the big head rather than the little head, but nevertheless I am concerned. I am afraid it will happen again, yet I know worrying about it will make it all the more likely to occur.

I am seeing her tomorrow evening, and although I am not necessarily expecting sex I have a feeling she will want to have another go. Obviously I hope to avoid this happening again. I got some Yohimbe from GNC today as an aid, I hope it helps.

Any suggestions here? For a long while just getting laid was my only concern. The irony of this is crazy!


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know what to tell you man. It's all in your head like you said. You have yourself all worked up to perform miracles and you stress yourself to the point of limpage.

The only thing i know how to do, with women, is making love. I am a Romance novel in bed. The trick here is to take control and concentrate on pleasing her. If she is worth anything in the sack she'll try and return the favors. Take it nice and slow, concentrating on her helps me from blowing my load early. Remember when you do pop, if you can push yourself to keep hammering her your d^ck will stay hard enough to keep going. She'll think your a god!

Dont make it the biggest deal in the world. Your supposed to enjoy the moment. Just keep a rocking!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds like performance anxiety to me. Nothing to worry about though; take your time, relax, enjoy, just don't think about "not doing so well" anymore. Best of luck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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Originally posted by RazzleDazzle
I don't know what to tell you man. It's all in your head like you said. You have yourself all worked up to perform miracles and you stress yourself to the point of limpage.

The only thing i know how to do, with women, is making love. I am a Romance novel in bed. The trick here is to take control and concentrate on pleasing her. If she is worth anything in the sack she'll try and return the favors. Take it nice and slow, concentrating on her helps me from blowing my load early. Remember when you do pop, if you can push yourself to keep hammering her your d^ck will stay hard enough to keep going. She'll think your a god!

Dont make it the biggest deal in the world. Your supposed to enjoy the moment. Just keep a rocking!!
Wouldn't you need to change the condom though?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
It's just because you're nervous. Don't trip, get your confidence back on and you'll be back to normal. I remember I had similar experience, it's just because you're nervous.