In a stroke of pure AFC Genius, I've offically seen it all lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
This is the funniest / craziest **** I've ever seen. I can't believe I never thought of this strategy in my AFC days. Maybe it's a one time thing maybe it's not but i got to tip my hat to the dude

Okay, this dude is crushin bad on this chick. She's my wife's hottest friend she has. She's a good person too. lol, hot, smart, independent, no bad habits besides the occasional shoe shopping.

One of my guy friend associates, is just smitten with this chick. The probelm is however, he has no game. Whatsoever. He sees me interact with my wife and he is always like man how do you do that. And I try to work with him but he has no hope. He doesn't want any hope. He wants this girl.

But I got to give this fvcker some credit lol he had a gameplan. "game" ? I don't need no game. "****y and funny" screw that. "money, cars?" I don't need any of thatm

NO what did this dude do? rotfl, he BEAT HER TO THE LETS JUST BE FRIENDS PUNCH.

about 3-4 months ago when they met and they hit it off i knew he liked her and instead of holding his feelings in about her and trying to make a move, which is what i did with my old oneitis, he basically from the jump just told her look you are my best friend lol. Never once hit on her. never told her that he wanted to date her. never bought her ****. never did any of it. he wanted to be friends.

he did pretty much, everything that that you're not supposed to do, but sure enough today he tells me he's bringing a date to my house for chrism-as dinner and i'm like who and it's the girl. SHE asked him if he wanted to date her a few nights ago lol.

my wife told me about a month ago she's catching a case of feelings for him a nd i was like man STFU lol they are friends. But he never made the mistake of shooting first. He went about his life. he even went on dates with other chicks. But this chick was his buddy. he never blinked. and the **** worked lol.

I am just baffled the **** to hell about this. and i mean, this girl really really likes him too no bull****.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Eliminating your desire and being casual with a chick especially if she's good looking and gets hit on often does work. You simply become a huge challenge.

Though when the guy does cave and gets physical with her the thrill on her part fades since she's conquered the challenge.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I knew a guy whose strategy to get a girl in law school was similar. He just refused to go away. The girl had met some guy over the Internet from Ireland and married him so he could live with her in the US. That guy worked at McDonalds and immediately began cheating on her with his coworkers. It took her a couple of years to get him to move out.

So for three years, he follows her around like a puppy dog. They made their class schedules so they had the same classes. I never saw her without him.

Finally, shortly before graduation, she admitted they were dating. They are now married and just had a baby.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Out in the real world, people get together in all manner of different ways. That's why I'm not big on some of the more rigid attitudes and rules that you encounter in the PUA community. If there's an angle, chances are somebody can make it work. That doesn't mean that this sort of thing has a high percentage success rate though.

And of course, it can still end badly. But for the moment, good for them.

You might say that he "disqualified himself as a suitor" by putting her in the friendzone. But it also shows that you can get out of the friendzone, at least some of the time.

I often think that from an omega male's point of view, a male orbiter is in a enviable position. Because he does get to go spend time with the hot chick, and she dotes on him if she cares about him. Meanwhile, the omega male sits at home or goes out with fatties lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
my view point on the friendzone has changed dramatically over the years

we dispise the friendzone because we want to **** the woman in question. but if you can get past that, having women friends isn't the worst thing on earth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I am just baffled the **** to hell about this. and i mean, this girl really really likes him too no bull****.
Sounds like this guy has more game than you give him credit for.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
The best way to make the preemptive LJBF work is to have some incongruency behavior wise. If you can still tease her playfully and get her motor running she'll probably chase. You can even drop something like "you're acting way too flirty right now" as a combination neg/DHV. As long as your frame isn't "by being friends first she'll like me and fall for me" (read: AFC) your chances are better. The other key of course is to flirt with other women in front of her and even openly use her as a "friend," i.e. advice-giver about your potential other conquests. A lot to play with here.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
there is a huge difference between being put in the friendzone and you putting her in the friend zone. Putting her in the zone will work but not the other way around.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
Espi said:
BB the guy HAS to have SOMETHING going for him.

He either has money, status, or looks.

Game doesn't matter that much when you got any of the above.
Doesn't money provide status if you use it to signal, e.g. with a sports car and big house?

And doesn't status often come with money - e.g. doctor

What kind of status isn't tied in to work or money or possessions, that a guy can add without too much ongoing work?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I've actually done this several times to great effect. I immediately declare friendship, and I can usually see an ever-so-slight touch of surprise on their face. In fact, I'm doing this right now. The girl is now catching herself talking as if we're progressing toward a relationship, even though all I did was to verbalize friendship with her.

I go about my business, just chatting as "friends", all the while seducing her and causing her to crave me. It's all about teasing the heck out of her, telling her that "she needs work", calling out "bad behaviors" or inconsistencies in what she says and saying that obviously I'm going to have to "work with her", with the implication that I'll have to teach her to rise above those "faults". Pepper in a bit of very nuanced sexual innuendo, and you can't lose.

This takes a highly refined sense of subtlety and probably can't be in the toolkit of every man, just as there are certain tools that I myself can't work with and pull off simply because of my personality.

Still I recommend trying this. Declare friendship immediately, and then subtly get her thinking about you constantly by being bold & shocking in your speech & actions. Before you know it, she'll be twirling her hair every time you're in the room with her. Obviously this won't work in every single case, but it works in a very high percentage.

You eventually start to realize that talking with her is like sculpting or playing an instrument. She will yield if you set her up properly.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Malice said:
there is a huge difference between being put in the friendzone and you putting her in the friend zone. Putting her in the zone will work but not the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
I can see how.this would work. Imagine what's she used guys supplicating, showing their interest up front, maybe even a few not declaring their attraction up front then BAM they give in and flood their feelings. This dude outwaited her. Tons of patience and will. He set up his own **** test and passed it. She was probably waiting on him to break all along and when he didnt, and didnt, and then didn't some more...she couldn't take it, didn't understand what made this guy different....why she wasn't desireable to him. Girls like to know they are liked. He dangled.that carrot in front of.her til she couldn't take it any longer.

Long view game. Not my game but damn, hats off to your boy. Now can he keep it up now that hes got it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
The first time I heard this was from David Deangelo. I read his e-book way back in the day. Other than a few little trinkets of advice I received from his teachings that I may or may not have taken the right way, he was someone who greatly improved my game with women at the time.

If I can recall, he would preach to bring it up almost instantly. Along the lines of: "if anything, we could just be friends." "you're cool, seem like you would be a good friend." That sort of thing, casually throw it out there. I've used it before in the past and it worked. Back in the day, I'd throw it out to women I met online before our first meeting. "I'm new around here (which was true) so I'm just looking to meet cool new people, for dating or just as friends." They obviously weren't looking for friends, so in their mind, it was up to them to impress me enough to where I would want to be more than friends. If you want to look at it like that.

This is a little different than what BB was saying but somewhat along the same lines. I've read the posts above and I agree. Trying to add to it , it is somewhat of a mind fvck, because good looking women, especially the 8's and 9's rarely, if never, hear that. It's almost like a neg to them. Plus, if you say it before a first date, it also takes some of the pressure off. Makes the "date" seem like a more casual thing, with lowered expectations.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I've actually done this several times to great effect. I immediately declare friendship, and I can usually see an ever-so-slight touch of surprise on their face. In fact, I'm doing this right now. The girl is now catching herself talking as if we're progressing toward a relationship, even though all I did was to verbalize friendship with her.
I bet you're more patient than 99% of the guys on this forum though, Smasher, lol.

A lot of PUA types are in such a hurry they're looking to get the bang in the club bathroom or alley. I've always wondered what the big rush is. I think it's more of an "accomplishment" thing: "I banged a girl that I only knew for two minutes". Well, congratulations, you banged a slut.

Jophil (God rest his soul) was another guy who used to talk about putting girls in the friendzone. As I said earlier, it "disqualifies you as a potential suitor" (so it's like a neg in that respect), and buys you time to seduce her.

I wonder how many guys try this and get rejected? Like "I don't want to be your friend" or else they'll agree and just flake on you all the time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
that's the thing zekko and that's what makes it so brilliant the more you think about it

the woman, is virtually incapable of not saying okay. Think about it.

Every pretty woman has seen this guise before. In the back of her mind she's thinking "yeah he's just trying to get in my pants like all these other dudes, I can make good use of him under the pretense of us being friends". With her thinking that she might get 2-3-4 months out of you of "friend stuff" i.e taking her out, being her "Rock" and all that bull**** until one day you confess your undying love to her and she gets all i didn't mean to led you on on you.

But... it never comes lol. It goes from expecting it, to wondering if it will or not, and from wondering if it will or not to worrying about why it hasn't and at that point she wants to know WTF is wrong with me lol? Or what makes this guy so great where he doesn't want a peice of this?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
I am willing to bet she had attraction for him from the start. I am not 100% sold on this tactic. There is nothing from keeping her from using him at will, like you said. She'll want things from you now without any consequences of giving up sex. You're her "friend", right? So what do you do at that point? Chump out and help her out, or be a hard ass and say no all the time? She'll just drop you then.

In other words, by putting her into the friend zone, aren't you disqualifying yourself automatically? She can very well just think "oh well, he doesn't like me, I'll just go for the next guy who does".

This is why I believe she was attracted to him (to some degree) all along, from day one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
the guy isn't ugly but this girl is a Southern California 8. I'm sure there was some attraction as well but this is a chick with options. she gets hit on constantly. I can pretty much confirm because her best friend is my wife, that dating this guy was the last thing on this girls mind when they first met.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Done it DATING. don't make a move for a date or 2. Then when you do, she MAULS you. Most times, I don't do it, BUT if she's sure you are going to make the move and you don't....


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
VladPatton said:
In other words, by putting her into the friend zone, aren't you disqualifying yourself automatically? She can very well just think "oh well, he doesn't like me, .
What usually happens when a girl thinks a guy doesn't like her?

backbreaker said:
this is a chick with options. she gets hit on constantly.
so....should he hit on her then? Would that be the best option?

I have a site I want to introduce you guys to, it's called sosuave....oh wait...:)


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
This is an interesting post. I am willing to bet that this chick was approaching the wall (30+ years) or she is a normal girl with reasonable expectations in a man.
1.) If she was nearing 30 years old then this is to be expected. The nice normal guys are moving up in rank.

2.) She may just be one of the few women who is sane in her expectations of men. Some refer to these girls who dont need you to be Brad Pit and be rich in order to give u play as "easy" (i dont mean that in a bad way so no offense). Check in her past and see what types of men she dated.