I am a bumbling idiot!!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score

Laughed at myself today...

Okay...I really haven't been been hitting up girls for a few years...a while ago, it really did not matter how hot the girl was, I would chat up like my normal self.

Today, I finally got "workout girl's" name...

I ended up heading into the gym a few minutes before she started heading out. She never looks "appraochable"...like she sorta gives off this energy of "no one talk to me"...but...i figure what the hell...she was on the treadmill, so as I walked by, I asked how the workout was going.

That bad vibe goes away, and she starts smiling and joking about how lousy it really is.

Of course, my "normal" self would have come up with something fairly scarcastic and funny to respond with, but I couldn't for shyte! My sense of humour is usually quite forward, and something inside stopped me. Maybe because I did not know her? aaarrrg... I know EXACTLY what I wanted to say...which was suggested in another thread...along the lines of, "hey, don't worry...someday you'll be just as big as me!" (or something to that effect). But NOPE! those words did not leave my head to my mouth...so...I basically just smiled and laughed.

Anyway, we continued our workout, and as she left, on go her headphones, and on goes the look/energy of "I do not want anyone talking to me". I already felt kinda odd, so as she passes by me, I ask what her name is. Again she is all smiles and freindly, removes her headphones and she tells me her name.

I introduce myself and turn on the "bumbling idiot switch". I comment that I see her around a lot...she says something to the effect of, "pleased to meet you"...I respond with something that I do not even think was comprehensible in the English language (basically, "nice meeting you", except, I stumbled around the words, mumbled something retarted, and smiled".

I KNOW I already have this chick on a pedastal, based on my own behaviour...and most likely, she picked up on my awkewardness.

So far, it has been 50/50 suggested that I either take my time with this or go for it...

I think in this situation, I m going to have to "redeem" myself and get back on track to my NORMAL funny/scarcastic self before I attempt anything.



Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
A hot woman, is still just a woman.
She's not anymore special than any other woman other than she's been blessed with beauty oriented genetics. It's just something superficial.


Sexy bodies can be made. They can be bought.

Don't let a woman's "looks" intimidate you.
Her looks don't neccesarily reflect her values. It's all superficial, man.
Something on the outside.
You're getting tripped up by this.

Let's flip the scenario around and examine something.
This woman is probably used to getting attention , stares, looks, compliment, favors, flirting, and pick ups.
All this time her image of herself being hot and receiving all this attention has reinforced her image and helped boost her confidence, thus..her Presence.
I'll bet you that she does not apologize for being hot, or sexy, or being "intimidating" (in fact she may even love it).
But the point is, her confidence in her attractiveness, and sex appeal is strong. Her frame is strong.

Why is you frame NOT STRONG?
Why are you not strong enough for her?

Why haven't you built up your confidence, your inner knowledge, the "inner game" some call it.
Do you KNOW who you are?
What you're capable of?
The kind of Lover you are?
The kind of sexual pleasure and pasion and fun and excitement you can provide her?

Well.....do you?

Note to self, and all others.
Experience these things and find out who you are as a Man.
Then you will know. And when you KNOW, you're confidence cannot be shaken by anyone. Not even a hot babe.
Because you know your capabilities as a Masculine man.
You have sexual confidence. Experience with women. You're ready for the head trips, Sh*t Tests, drama, and other things, as well as all the good stuff only a good, tender, loving woman can provide her man.

What would you do if you took away her "looks"?
What would be left?
Would you be intimidated then?
Would you still want her?

If you like her personality, and her Inner beauty, assuming you were exposed to them, and like what you felt about her (she's warm, sweet, fun, and a nice person) .....then use THAT image of her to approach her.
If she has something that you want...be upfront about it.
She has something going on that you like.
Say "Hello" and open her up!
Then as she interacts with you, just keep the conversation going by being warm, open, inviting, inquisitive, and understand her pespective.
You're there to find out what she's about. Not trying to bang her right there.
Collect data.
Be warm and inviting.
If she has that inner beauty that you want, then more than likely she'll respond in kind.
There's NOTHING to be ashamed about talking to a woman you like.
Who knows if she maybe likes you? Thinks you're attractive?
Who knows if she's single, available, and looking?

If you saw her and BOOM! you're attracted.
Go find out.
Go up to her, man.
Do it. And never be afraid.
Who knows if she's been looking for YOU all this time.
But you pussed out because "OMG! She's too HAWT!!" I can't! I musn't!!"

Don't puss out.
You're a man, damnit. And you want her. Nothing more to say.
You know what to do.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
A hot woman, is still just a woman.
She's not anymore special than any other woman other than she's been blessed with beauty oriented genetics. It's just something superficial.


Sexy bodies can be made. They can be bought.

Don't let a woman's "looks" intimidate you.
Her looks don't neccesarily reflect her values. It's all superficial, man.
Something on the outside.
You're getting tripped up by this.

Let's flip the scenario around and examine something.
This woman is probably used to getting attention , stares, looks, compliment, favors, flirting, and pick ups.
All this time her image of herself being hot and receiving all this attention has reinforced her image and helped boost her confidence, thus..her Presence.
I'll bet you that she does not apologize for being hot, or sexy, or being "intimidating" (in fact she may even love it).
But the point is, her confidence in her attractiveness, and sex appeal is strong. Her frame is strong.

Why is you frame NOT STRONG?
Why are you not strong enough for her?

Why haven't you built up your confidence, your inner knowledge, the "inner game" some call it.
Do you KNOW who you are?
What you're capable of?
The kind of Lover you are?
The kind of sexual pleasure and pasion and fun and excitement you can provide her?

Well.....do you?

Note to self, and all others.
Experience these things and find out who you are as a Man.
Then you will know. And when you KNOW, you're confidence cannot be shaken by anyone. Not even a hot babe.
Because you know your capabilities as a Masculine man.
You have sexual confidence. Experience with women. You're ready for the head trips, Sh*t Tests, drama, and other things, as well as all the good stuff only a good, tender, loving woman can provide her man.

What would you do if you took away her "looks"?
What would be left?
Would you be intimidated then?
Would you still want her?

If you like her personality, and her Inner beauty, assuming you were exposed to them, and like what you felt about her (she's warm, sweet, fun, and a nice person) .....then use THAT image of her to approach her.
If she has something that you want...be upfront about it.
She has something going on that you like.
Say "Hello" and open her up!
Then as she interacts with you, just keep the conversation going by being warm, open, inviting, inquisitive, and understand her pespective.
You're there to find out what she's about. Not trying to bang her right there.
Collect data.
Be warm and inviting.
If she has that inner beauty that you want, then more than likely she'll respond in kind.
There's NOTHING to be ashamed about talking to a woman you like.
Who knows if she maybe likes you? Thinks you're attractive?
Who knows if she's single, available, and looking?

If you saw her and BOOM! you're attracted.
Go find out.
Go up to her, man.
Do it. And never be afraid.
Who knows if she's been looking for YOU all this time.
But you pussed out because "OMG! She's too HAWT!!" I can't! I musn't!!"

Don't puss out.
You're a man, damnit. And you want her. Nothing more to say.
You know what to do.

Pretty good stuff here, and yeah, sometimes we go.... Oh crap I messed that up, but pretty women are women, and sometimes its hard to get that through our brains.

What I have done before is think about all the negatives she could have or things that I may not even like. It makes me think... Ok, so she is hot, but what if she has this ANNOYING whiny voice? What if you take her out, and she totally makes YOU feel like a dumb ass? She's with you at this get together with a bunch of business men, and she spouts something stupid off that makes you look like a moron. Could be what ever it is you want to think of, but if you can, you can approach more like a human being.

Sometimes I even use the... She's prob as stupid as a brick thought. Prob hot as hell, but thinks the 3 stooges are Snap, Crackle and Pop.

Biggest thing above.... Dont puss out. We all screw up, and my thing is going home later after talking with a woman and going... What if..... What if I would have said a funny remark. Why didnt I catch the fact she was thirsty, and I didnt offer her a glass of water. Why why why. Or what if I was wearing this shirt instead of that one.

Same thing can be said for a guy. What does a hot guy mean? Does it mean that EVERY hot guy will work? There have been hot guys who have been serial killers and rapists.

Having the look is only part of it.

i like this part of the post

A hot woman, is still just a woman.
She's not anymore special than any other woman other than she's been blessed with beauty oriented genetics. It's just something superficial.


Sexy bodies can be made. They can be bought.

Don't let a woman's "looks" intimidate you.
Her looks don't neccesarily reflect her values. It's all superficial, man.
Something on the outside.
You're getting tripped up by this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
easiest way to 'trick' yourself in to be confident around hawt women is to imagine that she has a yeast infection and that her p*ssy smells like hot garbage.

it will slap some sense in to you, remove the overriding desire you have to f*ck her, and you might actually come off with a little bit of confidence.

now remember, this is just a trick, its better to actaully just be confident.

the other thing to remember with hot women is that as hot as you might think they are they are still single! which means for all their hottness they have yet to find a guy that either they want to settle down with or whom wants to settle down with them.

and also remember that the hotter the woman, generally speaking, the higher the maintenance. so be careful about putting hot women on pedastles because a lot of the time they aren't actually the prize bur rather an albatross you will end up having to carry around.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score

I agree with everything said. it's just been a loooonnnnggggg time.

Every girl for the past 6 years I have been with was a model, or former model, or wannabe model...and they were ALL high maintenence with MAJOR issues. But...they were still fun (apart from the last one).

I wasn't so much bumbling because of her looks...I was bumbling for lack of something to say/respond/joke about. I was really at a loss for words for the first time in a while, so it was awekward.

I have brought a girl down by thinking of the most disgusting "human" physical problems she may have...though I for sure wasn't thinking about it then ;)