Advice needed to use this as a good way in...


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Okay...a posted a thread about 1 week ago in regards to a real hottie who goes to the gym in my apartment complex.

1 week has gone by, and I have not seen her at I still do not have her name, and have not had any real convo with her apart from some "hi's", smiles, and brief stuff. In a way it was sort of disappointing that she was not at the gym this week, would have really liked to talk to her.

I live above her and her roommate, and her roommate came out today and starting spray painting some sort of artwork on her balcony. I know for sure it was her roommate and not her, but the painting was really I thought this may be a good way in...

Thouight I should just go down there and introduce myself, talk about the painting, and then work it more personal.

The only issue is that it was the roommate who did it...

If the roommate answers, I figure I can use the opportunity to introduce myself, meet them both etc. but it may not get me anywhere with "workout girl", as she may not even be there.




Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
my thoughts are to totally forget about this girl. put her out of your mind and move on with life.

and then next time you see her ASK HER OUT.

pretty simple.

a lot of folks my disagree with me on this, but i've found that when i've gone out of my way (like you are thinking of doing) to cross paths with a girl it never turns out well in the long run.

the reason being that

1) she ultimately knows you were doing it just to ask her out
2) they instantly start thinking of themselves as the prize

now that i'm older i've learned patience.

i simply move on with my life, focus on other women, and the next time i bump in to the woman of interest i ask her out.

now that said, i'll play my own devils advocate. life is short, so who cares what you do? if you know where she lives why not just go over and ask her out face to face. forget all the games. if she digs you she will say yes. if she doesn't she will say no. either way life will continue.

at least in that scenario she will think 'DAMN, this guys got b*lls! not many guys would just walk up and ask me out like that."

as long as you are friendly and dont come off as a creepy stalker you are fine.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Hi, joekerr31...

Good point.

I think going down to her apt. felt kinda wierd...had thoughts that it sorta but me into a "chase" zone or something.

I'll wait until I see her next.

thanks dude.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
upper west side, NY
Tell her I just the other day as i was coming up I saw some spray painting, you need help with the grafitti, tell her you are an another life.

hell f##k with her who cares what happens, be natural.
see how it turns out.
Don't show you to creepy or stalking type, or even nervous.
act like a funny guy , good sense of humour if you are going to go to her apt.
Don't wait for her to meet or bump into her. you know where she lives, she 'll figure out sooner or later that you knew and you are all over her, not cool.

just make sure she s at appartment when you are going to go.knock and mention about the "grafitti" this will make her laugh. you are turning things around to make them look funny
( hmm, what I am gonna get in exchange, Im pretty expensive )
confident ,C&F

Use her as an mediator, believe me she'll laugh, this is a good excuse to talk to her more than her friend the artist. get that out of the way and ask her out.

then let's see what happens.
If not you met someone, made a good impression and make her introduce you to her beatiful baby friends.