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  1. P

    What the hell is wrong with people?!!!

    Okay, this happened last night and I'm still furious. I didn't feel like going out last night, so I though I would stick around the apartment, make myself some Spaghetti (no one makes it better than me), and chill out. However, I found out I was missing some garlic so I went to the store...
  2. P


    Do you guys know any way of getting rid of headaches....I had a headache last night, a headache this morning (I missed work), and now I have one again (I was gonna go out tonight, but I cant imagine clubbing with a headache). Usually I just sleep the things off when I get them, but I would like...
  3. P

    I think its over.....

    As some of you may know, Ive been seeing this girl for more than a year, and shes a really great girl. She does a lot for me, shes a great cook, shes fairly hot, and she seems, by all standards, a perfect girl (i.e. one that most guys would be hard pressed to complain about). Yet, Im going to...
  4. P

    Fish/Salmon Oil....a good substitute for flax?

    If i understand correctly, the reason most bodybuilders take flax oil (and healthy folks) is to get the Omega 3 fatty acids that just arent abundant in a lot of the foods we eat. Now, I know that fish oil is also really good for you (rich in omegas 3 fa), so is it okay to substitute it for...
  5. P

    Why are people against improvement? A rant

    Im in part asking advice and in part excuse the long thread Ever since ive come to the conclusion that my life was not going how i wanted, Ive been trying to improve. Finding this site has been a huge part of my self improvement...not only do i feel more...