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  1. J

    george clooney should be your role model

    Isn't a huge Hollywood secret that Clooney is gay?
  2. J

    Dating and The Rat Race

    Excellent post. The tube in the morning in London is grim.
  3. J

    Reflections and Goals

    You sound a little bitter Desdinova. Forgot the revenge and concentrate on yourself. When you focus your energies on bringing down other people you're just taking valuable time away from yourself.
  4. J

    How do you guys deal with the pain of a break up?

    Great post, dude. Thanks
  5. J

    How to give the stare of DEATH to women

    You forgot to add that Roy Keane is a massive **** though. Emotionally retarded and more than a bit autistic, pretty much everyone he's worked with has nothing positive to say about him as a person.
  6. J

    Post Your Favorite Thick Curvy Girls

    Interesting question. I have a real sexual urge for curvy women (uk size 12+) but when it comes to dating and LTRs the maximum size I'd date is size 12. Maybe the old adage of a big girl being a good ride but you wouldn't want your friends to see her rings true. I think the attraction came from...
  7. J

    HIV/AIDS Transmission Through Heterosexual Anal Sex

    Butter like in Last tango in Paris.
  8. J

    first date

    Comedy club. Good laughter, time to talk and surrounded by a good atmosphere. Always a winner.
  9. J

    She has 3 gay roommates

    It's just a different chord on the sexual scale. Just speak to the gay guys as you'd speak to anyone else. If you respect them there'll respect you back and if they don't you gave them a shot. If you went into her house with an open mind you could even meet three new friends ;) I've found...
  10. J

    Telling new girls about your other women? Advice plz

    Ja, I suppose so. I'm just imaging pulling an very guilty face when asked what I did last week/who I spent it with. I guess I'll just leave it be. Ta for the advice
  11. J

    Telling new girls about your other women? Advice plz

    Hi all, First thread and all that jazz. Have been on a mighty fine run recently: changed my style, upped my game and took loads more risks with positive results. However, this has led me to a small dilemma. I met a cool girl a few weeks ago at a club and had a great time with her. I stayed...
  12. J

    She has 3 gay roommates

    What is the problem here? If you're a straight guy why are you having issues with gay guys?