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    How To Steal a Girlfriend

    "I don't know why the rest of the girls aren't looking at my just like somebodys girlfriend" Are you saying you can't get a girlfriend on your own merits? You never stated whether or not you "stole" someone elses girlfriend. As I've read it, you have made eye contact with someone elses...
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    How to ATTRACT women...........Part II

    Nicely done BJB! This response ranks amongst the best.
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    Guide to Listening

    Socio, your are exactly right. Though I'm considered a very outgoing person, I've been told by many woman (and men and family members) that I'm an excellent listener. In my mind I think I'm very impatient so it's shocking that many over the years have said I'm an excellent listener. I guess...
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    Exclusive question?

    Baldie, you've been given some good advice in this thread. Being nearly twice your age and having dated quite a bit over the years, I've never popped that question to a woman. Lord, not even to my ex-wife when we were courting. The same question you asked your date has been asked of me before...
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    The power of observation

    BJB, It's no secret by now - your advice is quite sage and insightful. Your wisdom and experience shines through. You're a welcome addition to this board! Keep 'em coming my friend.
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    Pull up your seats,boys, the master is speaking....

    Bondjamesbond, it sounds as though we are about the same age and have had similar experiences, though I'm now divorced. I too have a daughter (the apple of my eye), and by simply listening to her, I've realized that even at 16 years old they are indeed preconditioned on the tools in handling...
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    How I did it.........

    BJB, you are apparently relatively new to this board, but I have to tell you may friend, in a very short time you have provided some interesting and excellent insight. I have yet to read one of your posts that wasn't right on the mark. Your posts are not only well constructed and concise, they...
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    How I did it.........

    BJB, you are apparently relatively new to this board, but I have to tell you may friend, in a very short time you have provided some interesting and excellent insight. I have yet to read one of your posts that wasn't right on the mark. Your posts are not only well constructed and concise, they...
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    "Motivate Yourself"

    Adonis....nicely done! Need I say more.
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    Change your life today

    DonJoey, excellent response! That's a great, accurate, and useful thought for all of us to remember and utilize.
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    How to be Happy

    Writer, GREAT POST! Funny, I found myself in most of those comments. Absolutely right. Made my day to see that there is someone else out there that looks at life the same way as I do. That post made me smile! Thanks.
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    Good advice!

    "9. Make them laugh.......THE # 1 SIGN THAT A WOMAN LIKES YOU IS WHEN SHE LAUGHS AT THE THINGS YOU SAY!!!!! The woman you can make laugh will do anything for you....Women who never laugh should be avoided like pissed-off rattlesnakes......." This can't be stressed enough. Many men may think...
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    Three simple DJ principles

    Chalenge Guy.... as usual an excellent post!!!
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    Seduction without Speed

    Adonis, a classic! Well written. Especially agree with your points regarding a sense of humor and having some sort of intelligence
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    Buried Alive

    Wow Challenge what a powerful post! Nicely done. I've done a variation of what you described before and it is indeed cathartic. My exercise made me realize what was truly important to me that I had lost the passion for over the I felt when I was in the my pinnacle of my life...