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  1. X

    when she gives the 'let's just be friends line'..

    Lol. So what do you want from me? A copy of my birth certificate? Will I have your permission to post under a new handle then? I don't see what any of this has to do with the subject at hand anyway. If you have a problem with what I said, call me out on it.
  2. X

    when she gives the 'let's just be friends line'..

    Ok, fine. Give me 3 numbers and I'll sign in under that handle and repeat them.
  3. X

    when she gives the 'let's just be friends line'..

    Nothing. I'm just giving you my real name now. I was previously "Amante Silvestre". Got a problem with it?
  4. X

    Why getting to know a girl is better than just getting in her pants.

    Sleep with enough women and sooner or later you'll realize "ElStud" isn't really all that far off from truth. Poon is poon. When it's plentiful and easy you start to look for something else to differentiate one from the other. The problem, ElStud, is that you know all of the talking points...
  5. X

    best friends ex girlfriend

    You told her you couldn't make tonight happen. Stick with that. Invite her out tomorrow.
  6. X

    when she gives the 'let's just be friends line'..

    It's nice to know that you're trying to figure out how to deal with this little snafu. What disturbs me is that, after 17 posts, no one has pointed out that there is a reason a woman will say this to you to begin with. Women don't normally just come out with these types of statements for no...