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  1. L

    Improve Your Environment

    Good post! I feel lots of people today just wait for the world to come to them - not gonna happen.
  2. L

    wait_out's wave theory

    Great post. Good to keep these in mind!
  3. L

    Master Your Studies

    I'm really glad fedrik dug this thread up..great 2 posts! I've been thinking about the need to plan and motivate myself more lately and this gave me a clear insight into the ways of achieving it. Thanks!
  4. L

    Quik question

    Yeah..I'd second what Cashew said. And also make a mental note not to send "AFC-filled e-mails" ever again ;)
  5. L

    Interesting Question I think

    Well first of all, if you don't follow the "rules" used on American girls, what are you gonna do? There certainly is a cultural difference, but girls from all over the world have more thing in common than they have different. She might have different social standards and customs and whatever...
  6. L

    Cell # vs. Home #

    Cellphone. I really don't see any advantages getting the home number could have..
  7. L

    Dance music

    While I think that trance/drum'n'bass/etc. is good for setting up a general "party atmosphere", I don't find them so good for dancing. It certainly depends on the particular songs, but when I think of such music, I imagine myself sitting with a beer having a light convo with my firends rather...
  8. L

    Don Juans Everywhere!

    Czech Republic / Prague :P
  9. L

    Speaking to girls on MSN

    Concentrate on finding things you two have in common and can talk about so you can use them on possible future dates. Also realise that you're not gonna get laid/anything else on MSN, so if you are interested in more than chatting with her in your free time, don't waste time online and try to...
  10. L

    Gf made me visit her, then didnt give a sh!t about me..what would you do?, I guess :S When I'm reading through it again now, I'm like "omg, how could have i been such a d1ck"..I'm glad I finally understood I seriously need to end this..and hope I will learn from my mistakes.
  11. L

    Gf made me visit her, then didnt give a sh!t about me..what would you do?

    Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. Hence the thread I just started..gonna end this sh!t on sunday. --- Consider this thread closed ---
  12. L

    Need some help breaking up

    I won't. If I have any doubts about my resolve, before I meet her I will just go through the text messages she sent me yesterday and today and that made me feel like sh!t. That will most definitely get me into the correct mood.. And yes, I will do my best to transfer the theoretical knowledge...
  13. L

    Need some help breaking up

    Thanks mate..I guess that's exactly what I needed to hear. Until now, I still had the thoughts in my head like "if she is ok again on sunday, I will give her another chance" and stuff.. Now I am 100% commited. She's coming back at 1 pm on sunday, so I guess I will meet her at about 3 and...
  14. L

    Need some help breaking up

    As you might have understood from reading the title..I dediced to break up with my current girlfriend. She was the first gf I had..first that I kissed..first that I fvcked..hell, even the first one I really loved. But yeah, she did some bad stuff and I decided not to take it anymore. Plus she...
  15. L

    Super Embarassing Question

    G-spot..well, it can lead to some pretty awesome things, but I'd suggest that you stick to playing around with the cl!t first. It's much easier, more "intuitive" (it takes as little as one session to learn what to do without any previous info if the girl is a bit patient..actual experience) and...
  16. L


    That's a good one ;) Let us know how things go with her :)
  17. L

    Gf made me visit her, then didnt give a sh!t about me..what would you do?

    It's all ****ed up. She said **** like "i dont want you to understand this in the way that i would like him rather than you, but i really cant go for a week with you and act like nothing happened" and "after i come back and spend some time in the city, i will get over it, i hope". What the...
  18. L

    Gf made me visit her, then didnt give a sh!t about me..what would you do?

    So we had this sms convo last night, I think it sheds some light on what had happened so I thought I'd post it. [xxx] are my coments. ME: hey, when are you coming back on sunday? ME: those who are jealous get old early ;) [czech saying..sound really stupid in english; teasing her a bit] just...
  19. L


    Well as long as she is contacting you, you should be fine and playing slightly hard to get shouldn't do any harm. Just make sure you maintain a balance between that and making her aware of your existence, if you get what I mean. If she thinks of you and chases you, it's great, but if you overdo...
  20. L

    Killing Negative Thoughts

    Cool :) Keep it up and good luck!