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  1. S

    What do you guys drive?

    My bicycle of glory :cool:
  2. S

    Date Ideas

    And hit her from behind when she's least expecting it :up:
  3. S

    I'm quitting porn FOREVER

    I quit porn for forever too once, for 4 days :crazy:
  4. S

    Seriously, what can I do about this?

    Get your f*cking head out of the quick-fix-with-a-pill mentality. That'll help.
  5. S

    preserving muscle while arm is broken?

    Do one-armed deadlifts. With the not-broken arm of course ;)
  6. S

    So how do I shake this view of myself?

    Seriously, if you have to ask yourself that, something is wrong with YOU.
  7. S

    F*cking up in school

    Its get fun with (natural) logarithms, the power of e and the sine/cosines/tangent. The rest is sh*t easy, lol. Use a graphical calculator if you must :)
  8. S

    Dance music

    It's your party, you make the rules. No alcohol = no alcohol, no matter if there's any available. If they disobey any rule, you can just throw them out. Just make sure the rules are clear up-front to avoid confusion and most trouble.
  9. S

    shaving correctly...DO IT.

    I dont like the name of that... :nervous:
  10. S

    Video Games anyone?

    Job -> occupation: the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money Yes, playing video games can be a job too.
  11. S

    Dumb stuff you've done at the gym...

    Once I lost control over the bar when doing Push Presses, and I fell backwards into the squat rack, which was accompanied by *some* sound :/
  12. S

    handshakes ok for high school???

    Don't make a big deal out of something this unimportant. :/
  13. S

    help on appearance

    Are you serious? Those look nerdy to me :/
  14. S

    will people please stop posting "tall is better" threads

    Tall is better. :up: The view is better from up here (6'3" ;D)
  15. S

    help on appearance

    Thanks for the advice, and compliments :up: I'm probably gonna get rid of the glasses. They're way to annoying too... Btw, I am hitting the gym regularly, it just doesn't show. I don't train for mass, but for strength, and I think I'm training the CNS more than my muscles ;> (160kg...
  16. S

    help on appearance

    Sorry to hijack your thread, but I could use some advice as well. Not the best picture, but I hope someone can help me out here. P.S. Yes, I do need to shave my stache, I know.
  17. S

    Think twice but only twice

    I never even think once before saying anything :/
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    My Road to Progress

    The enter/return button is your friend.
  19. S

    getting past protection programs

    First off, wrong place ;) Second off, depends on what kind of protection program. You can try using OpenDNS if they put the protection in the DNS server (which they probably did), or ya can just download and burn a live ubuntu cd or whatever, and use that to surf to any page, in case they've...
  20. S

    Bigger glutes

    Full squats and deadlifts. But mainly full squats.