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  1. B

    How young is TOO young?

    the chinese are with it. 85 year old dude laughs at you. the blacks know how to roll... Just two months after imposing the...
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    Lance Armstrong & Ashley Olsen

    well, america is the gayest place on earth. leave it. the expat life is a good one. ask any of us.
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    How young is TOO young?

    u might be an "azzhole" but at least i believe you.
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    How young is TOO young?

    and? uk guys just hop on sleazyjet or ba (if they are more than just a chav) and head for eastern europe.
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    Things you can start today to be a better DJ

    total bulls***. most of that list would apply to the gay lifestlye. just be in a much higher peer class than she is. that is the number one thing. hell, that is the only thing you need in this world. the lifestlye you can offer a girl is all that counts. yes, the man with the most...
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    A B1tch at work put me down

    it is america and you will get sued if you have any money. working construction you are probably safe because you probably don't have enough money to warrant a lawyer getting involved. stories like this is why i (1) will always be an expat (2) will never work for someone.
  7. B

    working part time for the long haul

    personally, you sound like an annoying little baby that will have a long hard life. you are the reason that outsourcing to cheap foreign labor is so great. there are millions of well-educated chinese, eastern europeans, and indians who will do what you don't want to do for 30 times cheaper...
  8. B

    How can I push myself to do this?

    the answer is simple. you must be superior to her. if you are on her same level or below you are effectively screwed. the only power greater force that will give you the leverage needed to dominate her is - MONEY. that is right. MONEY. right that down and paste it to your chest. having...
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    Colombian Ladies

    i bet she is living in america or outside her country. females change when they leave their homeland. i hear idiots on here claiming they have dated russian girls. uh, where did you date this russian girl? "dude, i live in #### and there are a ton here." sorry, that is not a russian...
  10. B

    How young is TOO young?

    uk, canada, australia, usa, new zealand...pretty much anglophile worlds. i really think many of you would be stunned at how attitudes change in some parts of this world. btw, australia is not as messed-up as the usa. at least the economy has a better long term future. a little tip - get...
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    working out is the gayest thing you can do unless you are doing it for a reason other than how you look. just buy a higher quality of shirt. i am far from the buff gay look, but my shirts fit me because i get good ones. as a matter of fact, if you are "gay buff" you will find it even harder...
  12. B

    How young is TOO young?

    so in america you need a calculator in order to figure out who you can date? can you also bring a scale with you so that you can see how much the fatties weigh in at? sounds fun fun fun :rolleyes: i am thisclose to starting my own romance tour agency. when you have to put pen to paper...
  13. B

    Pics - Post a pic of what you think is HB10

    i have had much better and no they are not in boston. how dumb can some of you get. genetics + style + lack of feminism + no middle class. that is the formula. there are quite a few american males who are at least quasi-expats in the old evil empire these days. surprising the number who are...
  14. B

    Pretty, chubby girls

    if you live in america you have had sex with a chubby. don't kid yourselves. the average american female is close to obese if not obese. that is a statistical fact. don't tell me that your town is special.
  15. B

    fvcking cops the "new"
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    How young is TOO young?

    am i the only one who finds it wrong for people to equate legality with morality. what about former soviet republics where a little money can get you anything without worry of prosecution? would those of you who simply look at what you can get away with aim for infants in such countries? do...
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    why would anybody get married?

    because not all girls are as screwed up as american hors are. you might be surprised if you left your borders for a while. and no, some hor you met that is living in america is not foreign.
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    Recommendation in Nashville

    i would recommend the airport. that is the best part of many cities. the quicker you get out of there the better.
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    Soft-core porn to turn chicks on?

    no s**t. the boys on here are so clueless. this is what happens when parents raise their sons as little feminists. i am counting down the days until american college hors start growing d**** and american college boys start losing theres. come to think of it, by the look of the modern day...
  20. B

    girl in class? wtf...

    she wants a man not a boy. when will you boys ever learn that females all want to date up? it is called human nature.