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  1. C

    Our professor taught us about AFC!!

    Yep he taught us about average fixed costs! ..Gotcha!
  2. C

    made a long overdue approach

    hey. So just approached a girl today that I had a sort of "stalker like" attraction to 2 years ago(my first year in university). I hadnt seen her in months and infact am already seeing someone else, so when I saw her today, some of the feelings started creeping back in. This was in the morning...
  3. C

    AD's machine

    I've been a lurker for quite some time. Below are 10 posts(Anti-Dump's machine by pook) that I think oughto be resurrected. Note these are only for guys who are looking for LTR's. No speed seduction tips, or quick guide to laying women here, so if thats what you're looking for, stop reading now...