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  1. M

    making my neck thicker- any exercises like this?

    I have a naturally skinny neck, and I hate that it makes my head look kinda big. Now, I've noticed that if I stretch my arms behind my back, it raises my traps and makes my neck a lot thicker. It's the only thing I can do that does that. Are there any exercises that work the same way? Any...
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    The Anti-Gym. anyone hear of this place?
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    Japan vs S. Korea/Tokyo vs Seoul - what are they like

    I'm considering moving to somewhere in E. Asia to teach english, and Japan and S. Korea are both at the top of the list. The thing is, while I'd rather live in Japan (specifically, Tokyo or Osaka etc), it's supposedly much easier to get a teaching job in a major city in S. Korea than it is in...
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    Ticket for failing to stop at stop sign - worth going to court?

    I have a (optional) court date tomorrow for a ticket I got a couple weeks ago for failing to stop at a stop sign, in Wisconsin. I was driving to my first day of work on a sort of empty road, and I noticed a cop following me for a minute which made me nervous and I guess I was just paying...
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    There are a couple old threads about this, but I wanted to make a new one. :) I've seen people mention this a lot recently around here, so I'm interested. I've read that some people say it's a ripoff and you should be getting zinc, b6 and mag through other supps and diet anyway. Other people...
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    Question about cooking meat on george foreman grill

    I've got one of those little george foremans, and one of its "features" is how it's slanted so that when cooking, the fat runs off into a little tray. Now, if fat in the meat is actually something I want, is this a bad thing? Also, I bought some ground chuck and ground beef. Which is better...
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    Low-carb dieting? anabolic diet?

    I'm interesting in doing a low-carb diet, but there's so much goddamn conflicting information out there. Even in the few threads I've read about it here. I've read about the anabolic diet but I'm still not sure how exactly that differs from a low-carb diet. From what I've gathered (mostly on...
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    pain from doing dips

    I started doing dips a few weeks ago, but whenever I do them I get a kind of sharp pain in the middle of my chest, and sometimes it lasts for days. Is this normal? Just regular soreness from working out, or should that not be there? It's hard to tell.
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    Why does my stomach stick out?

    For as long as I can remember, my stomach has stuck out. It's not fat, it's just my stomach sticking out. Even after I lost weight a few years ago and have been trying to build muscle since then, it doesn't look much if any different. My gut just sticks out, and it doesn't take much more...
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    Gradual tan lotion/spray

    Anyone use this stuff? I'm fairly pale and I hate it. I tanned over the summer, but it was a lot of time and a lot of money for what was basically a mild tan that disappeared a couple weeks after I stopped. Plus ya know, the whole melanoma thing. I think it's given me a couple new moles too...
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    mole removal creams - do they work?

    I have a couple moles I'd love to get rid of, one that's on my shoulder and is kinda big and dark, the other on my upper arm and just looks like a nasty zit. Both are the kind that protrude from the skin, not the kinda that are flat and only a discoloration. They also have at least one hair...
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    Doing deadlifts - should there be any pain/stress in the lower back?

    I'm trying to start deadlifting, and I'm looking at all sorts of articles and threads here on how to do deadlifting properly, and I still can't tell if I'm doing it right. I read that you're not supposed to feel any pain in your lower back, but I can't do it without feeling it a little bit...
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    Why can't I get a decent shave?

    I'm convinced that the guys in the shaving commercials have their face waxed a day before the shoot, because no matter what I use I've never had a close shave. I can run my Schick Quattro up and down my face for fifteen minutes and it still feels like sand paper when you rub it the right...