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  1. M

    Chubby Teen Girl - Unbelievable Attitude..

    I saw this, and thought of you guys instantly . . . :D Notice it's men who are feeding her the illusion while she feeds herself more cake. This is the kind of lard @ss that has the bare-faced cheek to approach guys who keep in good shape thinking...
  2. M

    Small Observation - What Guys Can Learn from Women

    I've noticed when most chicks 'displays interest' - whether that's over the Internet, in real life etc . . . if you don't reciprocate, they assume you aren't interested and that's it - they move on, they forget they were ever interested in you, aren't at all bothered, won't hold it against you...
  3. M

    My Xmas Gift to You: Free Copy of "Keep Them 'Coming' Back for More" ;o)

    Guys, Here's a free gift to you all this Christmas. You can open it now 'cos we all know what sort of action the lead-up to Christmas brings. :p If you're sexually challenged or chicks don't seem to call or lose interest after their first 'experience' with you in the bedroom, you need to...
  4. M

    News: Serial Killer in England, 5 Dead thus far.

    This is happening right now in Ipswich, England. There's a link on that page called 'The Psycology of a Killer' What I found dare I say 'funny' was this quote: "Some serial killers also have a bizarre understanding of the nature...
  5. M

    VIDEO: The B**** Sheild in Action

    Ok, a bit of light relief for a Monday: It's a slow day. The Muscly Jerk