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  1. P

    My new goal and why (which might turn into a journal)

    I'm gonna start with this. This is not true. My experience is probably miniscule compared to the DJs on this site. I play my game how I like it and I haven't taken 'things' far. I don't give a crap what people think, its just Sex is not a primary goal of mine. I just think dating is a damn...
  2. P

    My new goal and why (which might turn into a journal)

    I say you stand up (if your hip is feeling good :o ) and kick some ass bro. You got over what God bowled your way, so keeping climbing the mountain. Show your friends you've got the balls. If they gut you for what you did explain that they're insecure and maybe they should follow your lead...
  3. P

    My new goal and why (which might turn into a journal)

    Ok, I'll take the religious bit here, on one condition. I don't want anyone starting to say God doesn't exist etc for two reasons. One I respect anyone's beliefs what ever they are, so I expect other to respect christians too, and two, The whole 'big question of God' can be debated in another...
  4. P

    i had a free hour today, here's how i used MYSPACE to my advantage.....

    I was proving to a friend that clod pick up can be done, naive bastard! So he gave me a (equivelant of Myspace) page to ask a girl on. I attach the correspondance. I have edited names and e-mail addresses. From: <Blues-Explosion-King> To: B-E-E-B-S Subject: Hey Sent : 1 day ago...
  5. P

    Is there no hope for me?

    Mike Viper, interpret this as you will. PAIN IS TEMPORARY, PRIDE IS FOR EVER! Get out there for the love of the almighty and learn to kick some ass. Band camp will be your stepping stone into the real game, so use it.
  6. P

    Is there no hope for me?

    you said your scared of the girl rejecting you....and? So what, it shows she's not worth it. If you don't think you have the looks or anything START NOW. Get to the gym, do you spot cream, shower every day, wear deoderant. Brush you hair every morning and before you go to bed, use a...
  7. P

    parents or her

    OK, right 1. Read the HS bible. 2. Search for this dilemma/problem using the neat little button to the top middle right of tthe screen. 3. If you really really really need a specific answer, it could be better to post in an existing thread. 4. If you must open a new thread, write in...
  8. P

    Wierd situation

    Move on, not being harsh, beng realistic
  9. P

    How many of us are good DJs or good BSers

    You know I came here wanting to know how to seduce women, and to be honest this site has it all. But the reason I stayed is because I realised (as many of us have) that women aren't everything and life is about becoming a real man. People who brag about their exploits with women sadly haven't...
  10. P

    Swimming is the ultimate cardio...

    Sounds good, though I found the Gymnastics to do essential the same as here. I hadn't been so fit or so strong in all my life. I regret giving up, but now I'm gonna pop down to the pool!
  11. P

    Omg! Check out what I figured out!

    Guys guess what I found out! If I carry a gun with me I can force a chick in to a dark alley and have sex with her! The things is its teary its a bit lame. You are retarded. Being a Don Juan isn't about getting laid, its being about a man!
  12. P


    Do a variety of things. Top of the list: Hit the gym Others include, but not limited to: Meet other girls, you have all the info here Learn a language, Study a bit more Take up a new sport (Climbing would be my suggestion), surfing, windsurfing, running. Something thats individual, but...
  13. P

    Small school environment, very small...

    It doesn't just have to be in your school... I go to an all boys private school and I board there, but there are still oppertunities for me to meet and 'sarge' girls form the nearby private schools, and even to properly date them.
  14. P

    Girl asked me to her house and I met her mother

    I gotta say guys I have the same thing with parents. Always be polite, but don't be too sucky. I always call the Dad 'sir', and the mother 'ma'am' (untill they ask me not to) and I think it goes down a treat. With fathers its best to talk about what they do for a living, and if its...
  15. P

    Funny Stories/Anecdotes

    It seems that many of us freeze up in convos when we get into the game and start talking to HBs. I always feel it's great to use a funny stories, or even a couple throughout the conversation to relax the bird your with. This will ease the situation slightly and make you look like a funny guy...
  16. P

    FR: The Boardwalk

    Hey man, well done. Draw two lessons from this. First you were brave enough to approach these chicks, you not an AFC! Then you were brave enough to post your rejection, which shows a learning attitude. Its one thing to make a mistake/screw up/ get rejected (in general that is) and other...
  17. P

    here's an experience thread.... enjoy

    Its true. Now to hold true about to my British colours, I'll give you an example. Take a royal marine, and a regular army soldier (works best with officers). Now there is no denying that physically and mentally the marine is the best. BECAUSE HE FEELS HE HAS NOTHING TO PROVE AS A MARINE, he...
  18. P

    'Most creative'/ 'Best date' you've done

    man that sounded fantastic, j8snx1. any future with that girl? A second date? UlitimateScoundral, we'll bear that advice in mind! Guys, keep them comming, don't be shy.
  19. P

    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    Don't forget Dr. Beard! He's currently bustin' a cap in every Bobby's ass from Landsend to Scotland. He is the 'party animal' of the UK! Obviously due to his outrageous behaviour he doesn't have a passport, (not because its been taken away by the po-po, but he just doesn't have the I.Q...
  20. P

    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    <---- This boy's from Windsor, UK. Look forward to seeing some yankee DJs near the Queen's residence! Come on, she's the ULTIMATE game!