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  1. L

    Older Guys and Younger Women

    I want to do some survey here about how many of the older guys here in their 40s are getting women in their 20s and 30s. In this day and age when it is getting more and more fashionable for older women to have a young male piece of tale, there shouldn't be any problems for older guys doin the...
  2. L

    How to be the alpha male in a group situation

    I bought John Alexander's book: "How to Become an Alpha Male" last week and I have to say that it's a pretty decent book. Anyways, there is a chapter where he discusses being an alpha(dominant) male when you are in a group. He argues that to be the alpha male you should be the one doing the...
  3. L

    Pathetice Nice Guy Move

    Unbelievable...Absolutely unbelievable. I can't believe the pathetic act of self degradation that I committed upon myself today. It's almost too painful to tell, even online, it's so friggin pathetic. I went to get my car insurance this morning at the mall and as I walk through the unlocked...