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  1. Q

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    Hey Mods, can this thread be moved to tips?
  2. Q

    has any one ever banged a married chick?`

    Not worth it. But as you get older you will come to see that ****ing a married woman is disrespect for yourself.
  3. Q

    Knowing what I know now, thanks to SS

    She forked me!
  4. Q

    Knowing what I know now, thanks to SS

    I decided to take 2 weeks off work. I usually take a walk around the corporate park where I work during my lunch breaks. Well there is a deli where this hotti works as a cashier, and every time I buy something make quick conversation with her. Having decided to take 2 weeks off, I asked her to...
  5. Q

    Picking up a waitress

    Like anything you take a fancy to, what you need is information. I had never had a hard time picking up waitresses, for the simple reason that if you have money waitresses are interested in people that have money. Waitresses are working as waitresses simply because they need the money...
  6. Q

    What would you do?

    You are intellectually poor. You don't even seem to allow for possibilities. You need to learn to dream about possible things to come, and the endurance to pay your dues. Loser is as loser does. Go out there meet people, learn what people need and are willing to pay for, collect your fee...
  7. Q

    I have never been happier!

    THANK YOU! To all the people that have taken the time to post and share their experiences, one big thank you! I think I started lurking in 2004, since then my life has changed for the better. Much better in fact. From being one fat slob to a lean, mean, fighting machine. I am making...
  8. Q

    Truly. boring. girls.

    For some reason, I always seem to have fun with my women. My expectations are different of course, I am the leading man, the woman just has to follow me in my journey... I am never bored, and they are pushed from their comfort zone.
  9. Q

    Would a don quan unfriend his ex on fb?

    A Don Juan wouldn't be on FB. Only his persona would be there and only for such purpose that he knows what he is after.
  10. Q

    Why Women Like To Have You In The Friend Zone.

    Damn right. Thanks for spelling out, sarcasm or not.
  11. Q

    Why Women Like To Have You In The Friend Zone.

    Exactly! That's what I was driving at, *****es know how to push the buttons by instinct, while we get caught in the trap of words and contradictions. You must learn to tune them out and learn to read their actions and not their words.
  12. Q

    Why Women Like To Have You In The Friend Zone.

    Don't get me started, just shut up and don't post anymore on this thread. You are too blind to see the great insight. I would continue on to insult you, but it would be a waste of electrons. So please, keep your words to yourself since you cannot seem to contribute anything productive. thank you.
  13. Q

    Why Women Like To Have You In The Friend Zone.

    Doing some research into the fact that women are into being desired, I came across these posts: No wonder women love AFC's to keep as friends, they provide what they want very much, which is free male attention.
  14. Q

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    Something to share from the Man:
  15. Q

    Practical ways to practice humility

    Sorry Zekko, I don't follow. Can you please elaborate a little more?
  16. Q

    When chicks write you only to reject you?

    I would reply: Dear SOandSo: No sweat, I agree with you, we probably would not have worked out anyways. As a side note, I will now be able to accept Kate's invitation to Will's wedding, I do very much like the way she carries herself in front of people, very classy and elegant. Alright...
  17. Q

    Practical ways to practice humility

    One way is by keeping my mouth shut and letting other people speak to their hearts content. Then, I see how they trip all over themselves and try to recover from over talking. Second, I have learned to think about what I will say before opening my mouth.
  18. Q

    Why girls love Twilight

    I have been around SS a very long time, the beauty of this place is that the answers are here, the problem is that a lot of the answers are hidden through a lot of bull**** weak and ignorant people write and scream about. One thing I have learned from here is that most of the answers are quite...
  19. Q

    Why girls love Twilight

    It is about women dreaming of 2 men fighting over them and even when the men have been rejected the men keep coming back for more degradation without thinking about alternative women. Twilight is the equivalent of porn for males.