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  1. M

    I'm an Alpha male.

    I'm an Alpha male And girls want to **** alpha males. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That girl you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet and you have the biggest crush on? The one who keeps going back to guys who treat her...
  2. M

    People discuss “why is it that women like jerks”?

    I’m regularly on this other website posting stuff, and I came across this and thought it was funny n interesting to see what non-SoSuave people think about this question. I have to say beforehand though, this is from possibly the most politically incorrect forum on the internet. And is...
  3. M

    George Orwell, 1984 - Is it possible?

    ***SPOILERS ALERT**** I just finished reading the book. And was wondering. 1. Is it possible that their society could really survive? What do you guys think? Could a populous be indoctrinated to that degree? And what you guys think of this. My opinion is out on that. I...
  4. M

    Can anyone help me find a quote?

    I'm doing this english essay and there is a quote I read on here I really want to use but can't remember. It goes somthing like: watch what you think because it will be what you say, watch what you say because it will be what you do. Something like that. I have a feeling it might be by...
  5. M

    What women really want(ed)... from me

    A quick little story about me and becoming a don juan. When I was an AFC, I had lots and lots of women friends, they all loved me, and they all tried to make sure I was happy so I wouldn't change. Occasionally they’d give little tests like running errands (like getting 6 or 7 cups of tea...
  6. M

    Old and Lost Pook posts

    I'm sorta making my own bible, which will be highly organised and have a more logical progression to it than the current one. It'll also feature my own notes and comments on the material (on all the posts I comment on i'll try and contact the authors) Anyone who wants to it's when it's...
  7. M

    Estrogen inhibitors to grow taller

    Does anyone have any scientific research about estrogen blocker/inhibitors? At 5'8 it is a up hill battle, and she'll be forever thinking about talller guys. I can spot girls thinking it all the time "Awww he's nice but, he could be alittle bit taller" I acctually see it going on in a girls...
  8. M

    Law Of Power 21 - Seem Dumber Than Your Mark

    EVERYONE... knows most girls are masters of conversational trickery, mind games and social manipulation. And of course you can become just as good (naa... probley alot better:D) with practice but there is annother way... just opt out. Recently I overheard a long converstaion with a golden...
  9. M

    Does lifting lower your eventual hight?

    Does lifting heavy weights and bulking up shorten your eventual hight? I know increased testostorone makes your bones slow down and eventually stop growing, and when they're converdted into estrogen by your body does that fuse your bones? Only scientific reseach please.
  10. M

    Cheap protien powder company

    Very new company. Really cheap protien, if you work it out against all other companies, it beats the socks off thier prices. And they do a price match policy anyway. Ordered some myself some off ebay, will post report 17-18 of november, when it arrives. Thier...
  11. M

    A male mindset and the fall of the gods

    Through hours of pondering over the correct male mind set for living to the maxium enjoyment of life I came to this personal and rather broad conclusion. The task of a male human in life and almost all humans is to succeed and controll in thier environment, ovious, but still something that...