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  1. D

    Friends sister

    Dude, If she's your freinds sister and you like your friend, dont go there..... If it stuffs out you can almost certainly kiss your friend goodbye, it's not worth it, something you can be sure of, vs. something that may or may not screw up a good part of your current life. But then...
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    Help! I'm turning into the 40 year old virgin

    Hey Guys, Well don't feel bad, your talking to a 26 year old virgin here, damn it's starting to piss me off something terrible, I went through my whole younger life feeling that there was something wrong with me, I only began to realise now that the problem is nothing physical as such but...
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    **** it all

    Lol, thanks guys, Hows that for a post from the past coming up to haunt me! Well the good news is, I'm feeling alot better now, I just really need to get out of the small town I'm in, it's really giving me the attitude that women are a scarce resource, when in reality they are not...
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    I Wish

    Hey Ragnaroc, Dude, I'm from SA!!! hows that for coincidence! Cheers, DonEdwardo
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    I Wish

    Hey Ragnaroc, Great post.. just one thing, that I realised this weekend myself, see I also met this "remarkable" women, applied the concepts on the site and got further with her then I have yet with any women, before I started acting like a wuss lost control and crashed and burned, So I...
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    **** it all

    And **** her as well, That about covers it all, goodnight
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    Event Horizon

    Hey Guys, Ok here is the situation.... 1)Third official date. 2)We go to see a movie with a couple of my mates. 3)I know this is the crucial night either do something or be moved to the friends zone. So I want to hug her hello.... I don't ( scared ) So I want to hold her hand as we...
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    New chick, wutcha think fellas?

    Whoa, she tranferring schools because she was raped???? How recently was she "raped" and now she is trying to screw you in her moms house after knowing you for like 4 hours??? I wouldn't do anything, last thing you need is too be called a rapist, even if it doesn't stick and is not true the...
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    Girl STOLE Money From Us

    Ok Guys, I was thinking about this a bit, This is what I would do, go back to the resturant, get the same waitress, and when the bill comes under pay her by $5, if she has the balls to ask you why, say with a huge flitatious smile and wink "You don't need the money!". You have a couple...
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    Sleeping arrangements

    Thats what I love about this forum, you guys are not afraid to kick a struggling AFC in the arse when it matters the most :cheer: You guys are all right, chicks are not some special type of human being. 1st) She will be paying her own way, this is a $60 + date without the food etc!! I...
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    Sleeping arrangements

    Hi Guys, Here is a bit of a problem I am currently facing, I invited a Girl that I have seen three times before to a 3 day music festival, everyone camps out in tents and pretty much has a good time getting drunk and I guess going mad etc... As I said I have only seen her 3 times in the...
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    Point of no return

    Hi, Thanks for the reply's so far guys, Desdinova : Yes I do have a religious background, but I think that I more choose it as a means to hide my insecurities than something that was forced down upon me. Regards, Edwardo
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    Advice on a potential LTR

    Well, she accepted my invite to go camping with me! So there should be plenty of time to move things up, it's a music fextival that will be held over 3 days, there will be pently of time to up the ante. A few things that I did to maybe try and up the ante while at a distance, she mailed me...
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    Point of no return

    Hi Guys, Today I bought a box of Condoms. Not something big I guess for most people, but I'm 26 and I today bought my first box of condoms. I have had a box before, a box my mom bought for me when I went to university.. as a joke, I think, but today I am not so sure. See I have been...
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    Advice on a potential LTR

    Update 3, Phoned her earlier, no answer, left no message, (You boys know all the tricks ;-) ) she phoned me back now, said the hello etc etc thing. Asked to go with me to the concert, she said that she would like too, checked her diary, said it was good!! So looks like she will be coming...
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    Advice on a potential LTR

    Hey Guys, Thanks for the replies, so far, I see what you guys mean about Long distance relasionships and am taking the advice, I'm gonna play this one on a what will be will be basis, anycase I thought I would update you guys on whats happping in anycase, she wrote on Wednesday, so I waited...
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    Advice on a potential LTR

    Hi Guys, I have been a silent observer on these forums for a while, have read a bit of the dj bible and am slowly improving over time! I have a situation that I am not sure how to handle and would appreciate any information you guys could give! I met a girl a couple of weeks ago at a...