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  1. V

    6 week journal

    im doign a 6 week journal on here, or until school starts. what ever the ufck comes first. trying to get 500 g of protein a day, i dont care about the other ****. supps im taking are whey, bcaas and other vitamin **** creatine will start when school starts i reff soccer almost every...
  2. V

    whey (protein) + carbs

    i see a very common problem when poeple take their protein after a workout. you get all these hardcore nubs guzzling down a shake, but in essence you should be having carbs right before your shake. After completing an exercise session, there is a depletion of muscle glycogen. if one just takes...
  3. V

    do you have a thread, cause im getting ripped

    im copying my journal off of and copying it to here, enjoy, workouts start tomorrow. __________________ well i have sort of neglected my past journal, as i hit a plateau and got discouraged, but here i am with a leading edge cutting journal. my plans are to drop as little...