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  1. P

    How is a club for the first date?

    Theres a big event goin down at this one club . I wanna buy presale tickets as they are cheaper and you can cut through the line. Since im not sure if she will end up wanting to go, should i just go there and not have any presale tix, and just pay at the door? Also, the place is about a 45 min...
  2. P

    Went to the mall for the first time in a long time

    The last time i was the mall, mustve been 1.5 yr ago, with a ljbf. Anyways, i wont solely for scoring some chicks. Mustve got there at the wrong time, cause there werent to many hbs. Anyways, i got a few looks, smiled, and no smile harsh. I shoulda turned it into, something like oh i...
  3. P


    Im always goofy around LFBF girls, and ive never tried it on a girl im trying to pick up/date. Im always kind of serious with thoose girls with some humor here and there, but its just not me. I have to be goofy to really get the most out of the's an example of a convo with a...
  4. P

    woah. Whats the method for MILFs

    like someone once said, we want what we cant have. I've seen some milf stories on here and i need some help with the approach, lol man this feels wierd. I was at the park, and was running(cross country) when this mad hot milf jut started strolling by. The track is all curvy, so it gave some...
  5. P

    developing a nice tan.

    I've noticed ive gotten more whiter than i usually am. Whats the best/safest method to darker skin? i dont wanna get skin cancer.Thanks.