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  1. D

    FIELD REPORT! Random pool hall.

    When I found out me and some friends were gonna go to a pool hall I had low expectations. Very low. I thought all my friends were gonna get wasted and I have to drive them home.That all happened but after 3 hours or so i started talking to the waitress/bartender that was there. It was her (19)...
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    I Hit A Girl...

    It seems like you guys are just like yeah id hit a chick no matter what. Women can be treated 2 ways, 1. equals 2. women. If they want equal treatment then they deserve it. I think a cooler head would have prevailed there. So what random dyke slapped you. If a bunch a girls jumped you (which...
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    But she's a mom........

    I think you guys might have been right she hasnt called yet. She seemed really interest last week though. Oh well.
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    But she's a mom........

    sure thing
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    But she's a mom........

    She told me she couldnt give her # because her boss wouldnt let her. Plus i didnt buy anything while i was there but she was still talking to me. Not to sound defensive but also when i left my friend told me she asked about me twice.
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    But she's a mom........

    My first time going to a club ever was yesterday. Its an after hours club. When i got there I saw a really cute bartender (HB8.5) and was too shy to talk to her but eventually got up enough nerve to talk to her. We talked for 15 minutes before she had to started bartending again but she seemed...
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    I just pulled to WORST AFC move in the book!! Holy Shyt!!!!!

    Dude it doesnt matter what you do as long as she still likes you or whatever. I wouldnt bring that convo or anything like again through, but if that is the worst thing you've ever done while macking you should be thankful.
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    Girlfriend VS Blackjack

    Card counting is totally legal. My uncle is a dealer in Beluxy Mississippi. They look down upon it and can throw you out but they can't put you in jail or anything. Plus they play with 4 deck in their shoe so card couting really isn't that effective no matter what system you use. I dont even...
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    She's pretty but i shouldn't approach her because....

    If your not sure if you should approach her or not try this. When you make eye contact smile and wave. If she waves back go for it.
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    Am I intimidating her?

    OMG! This totally blew mw away. I got invited to a party by one of her friends that goes to our church. I was pretty damn naive and bought her a birthday present. Appertly it was a lets get drunk party not a birthday party and the HB i was chasing at chruch was there. I never thought the shy...
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    Am I intimidating her?

    Sorry about the bad typing. It should look normal now and not as haphazzard.
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    Am I intimidating her?

    my friend already did for me and i got turned down.
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    Am I intimidating her?

    long story short i told a friend i had a crush on this girl at chruch and she said no when he asked her out for me without me knowing. I went to chruch today, and for the past to week i sat next to where she put her purse. this week she moved to get with her parter. (prolly doesnt mean...
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    Women only APPEAR attractive

    If there was no make up we wouldnt know any better. So what is a 6 now would become a 10 if there was no make up.
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    How women turn men into AFC's, and how to stop it

    I'll use an analogy. We've all been taught to be like Cory from Boy Meets World (nice,caring,ETC.) The problem is women dont want that even though they say they do. They want Shawn.
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    going back to the well...

    She cancelled again the next day and i haven't talked to her since. I kinda want to get together with her tommorrow or something not really sure. The weird thing I just can't understand for the life of me is why would she ask me out them stand me up. Twice
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    hooters field report

    I really wasnt in the best of moods saturday (think a girl I liked is just stringing me along) so me and some friends went out to eat at hooters. (I love the scenery.) When we got there our waitress was really cute (about 19) and was kinda bouncing to some random 80's song. I think i made fun...
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    going back to the well...

    (background) Ok this is the story about my first ex (HB9). We went out in the 9th grade. She was the first girl I kissed. I was way to clingy then and she dumped me for someone else. 3 yeard later we started talking and she even wanted me to kiss her and i was to dumb to realize it. We then...
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    How to respond to this?

    why do you even care? you are NOT (repeat NOT) her emotional tampon that she can just use up and throw away when she fininshed.this is an OBV she has low self esteem and it gets boosted when she gets attetion. dont give any to her. you said youself you thought she was evil, so why bother staying...