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  1. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    Dude did you even read anything I wrote ? No she did not drop the L word in the week I was with my gf, she said it up close to me. And who talked about one week romance ? We were "together" for more than two months. Seriously dude, read before you post...
  2. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    You didn't get it right. All she was telling me was that she wanted me to break up so we can be together. She was waiting for this... She was making plans for the future, us living together when we move to another country and such... Even when I didn't break up right away, she was...
  3. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    Yeah I know it's difficult to trust again. But I am firm believer that it can be won over In the end I never lied to her and was always clear about my intentions. Being needy and begging, this would kill any hope stone dead. But by being confident, dependable and unphased by emotional **** from...
  4. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    I know I ****ed up big time... But hope is a ***** isn't it ? And I will just not give up yet... As for what she thinks about me cheating on my ex. FYI she knew from the first moment I was involved. And people are not robots for pete's sake, yes I had a gf, and yes I fell in love with another...
  5. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    Well I did **** up a little during the "break-up" with the new girl, telling her I love her and all... But I got my act together and composed myself really quick. Did not beg or tried to change her mind. Maybe what damage was done is already gone... The problem is I keep second guessing...
  6. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    Well I do want her back. But if nothing works in the end I will just move on, I know this will be the healthy thing to do anyway. I don't meet her regularly, our paths might cross in the university but we just say our hellos and go on our way. Two times I went to her office, one was to welcome...
  7. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    Me and the new girl were "together" for two months. Sexual attraction was of the roof (mostly for her, as I got the feeling that while she was not inexperienced, her previous lovers were not anything special, she did stuff with me she never thought would do or was comfortable doing before). Also...
  8. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    Did not want to hijack another thread. Did not invite her to a coffee or anything. Just talked to her a couple of times, being casual, funny and confident. Not asking for anything...
  9. R

    Winning her over again... Are second chances possible ?

    I recently moved to another country to continue my studies in my field. I was in a relationship of 4 years at the time. When I came here I fell in love with a female colleague (27 years old). She knew about my relationship and we proceeded in having a secret relationship of our own. This was two...