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  1. I

    Do kill our manhood with pickup?

    Yes but dont get me wrong. On youtube in particular there are some guys which kepp it simple and offer ver very practical tipps for situations which you will find yourself in on a regular basis with woman. The guys of practical happyness or whatever he ist called. Not blabla routine bull**** or...
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    Do kill our manhood with pickup?

    we <- i just want to give you the missing word from the topic ;) Hi everyone. After over a year dealing with Pichup stuff I realy wonder. There are some good advices out there - the lessons of pook for instance which revolve around the nature of a man an a woman and habites of a man which do...
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    I sense a disturbance in the bro code, friend does not. Thoughts?

    ^THIS. The girl is not to blame. You cant thik of girls as your "property" anyway like most men do or try. The only thing you can do is to trust her and if you cant trust her or if she prooves not worthy of your trust by cheating on you its just her loss. What could you do with an unfaithful...
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    One Night Stands and Inner Game

    The answer is - some people can and some people cant. Its like sexual leanings - some like anal, some dont. So some guys are bothered sleeping next to a stranger or having a stranger in their bed after the sexual tension is gone and some dont. The latter often even like and need this fact...
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    Adding girls on Facebook

    I saw a very good topic here giving a lot of good reasons why NOT to add a hot girl on facebook. One of the most important things they named was (from my experience) that you dont want to make yourself available all the time. People realy dont value things they can have whenever they want...
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    NEXT - is this a solution ?

    I rly doubt that a woman will chance within one week. This time is more like a freezeout and a freezeout should continue until the girls brings some serious investment. Which some girls just never do becaus they think of you as an orbiter until you realy make a cut with her. Good taught - I...
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    NEXT - is this a solution ?

    Since I started with PU - I nexted lots of girls. Before I started I chased girls for months without any result while getting more and more frustrated. So just letting her go and turning my atention to another woman seemed like a great Idea and felt like some kind of freedom to me. But...
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    Girls are AFCs

    Dear DJs. I wanna sahre a situation with you I found myself in a few days ago. I was sitting on the couch with a bisexual girlfriend of mine in her apartment when anothe Girld (lets call her girls 2) comes in. We start talking - both grils are bisexuel and I start thinking about how to set...
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    Loser friends?

    It does not matter what they do with their lives - its the attitude thowards you that counts. If someone threats me with respect, is friendly, reliable and fun to be with I dont care if he is just lazy and does not have a job. I call this guy one of my friends. If some guy never calls me back...
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    Dealing with super flirty girls

    There is a bigger Problem behind yours. One of the lessons of Pook deals with it - talking to a woman on a sexual level. The main Rule here is: If you concider a woman to be nasty - you are not compfortable with your own sexuality which is why you think of her as nasty while she dispalys her...
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    Why so girls, women love confidence so much? why are they instinctively programmed

    You THINK you are a man. Thinking about beating a woman just because you dont get what you want from her prooves you wrong. Because it tells me you are just trying to hard with girls which again tells me that you somehow think you are depending on them. Think back to the times when there...
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    Girl is standing me up while posting on FB

    In particular: "sC: Cool, I'll see you then! If you need a ride don't hesitate to let me know" sound needy. Also for setting up a date text communication is a bad choice because people (and expecially woman) dont feel as commited as when they "agree" to a date on the phone or even in person...
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    Girl is standing me up while posting on FB

    Doublepost somehow...
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    Working Example of the Advantage Women Have

    To the Contrary. Womans position in dating is much worse than ours. Ok you found one of the few ladys which still can have a lot of men when they are older. But I am shure this is not just because she still kind of looks good - i bet its due to her charme, humor and personality. Look at...
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    Girls forgetting about dates

    Of cause since the lack of respect seems to be the basic problem here I am shure your advice would help a lot Vice. But it sounds like someone has to become the pure alpha male in every moment, every situation an in every group, which is impossible. But I guess there is a way to be a...
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    Girls forgetting about dates

    Hi everyone. I happend to me more than once lately that girls forget our dates AND to make matters worse show a lack of respeckt afterwards. With one girl I set up a date in the town - we decided to meet there and look for a nice restaurant to get something to eat. I arrived to the point...
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    Well I am happy I dont have to face this decision but look at it this way. I am shure you know lots of girls you would not start a relationship with may it be due to their behavior, style or because they are just ugly. Thats perfectly human. So you could say - it is prefectly normal to not...