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  1. D

    im stuck in this hellhole for another year!!!

    So i dont now why im making a thread maby its just to vent out a little or sumthing but heres my story and its prolly gonna be a little loong one...... Im a punjab 2 generation born and raised and currently living in Norway , im 20 years old and as of lately ive become fat around my belly...
  2. D

    myspace profile

    what do you think , i havent got a picture up and im not doing this to get laid , but to maby meet some new people..... so tell me what you think i should change and shi\t.... peace =)
  3. D

    My life right now... =/

    Just gonna write about my life... never ever told this to anyone , feel free to respond but dont be too harsh..... Im 19 years old, my parents are from india and i live in Norway... Ive never been in love , never had a GF heck ive never even kissed a girl.... My life is so boring and...