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    Write your own future

    One of the things I've done that really helps, is to basically write my future journal entries. Don't write bulls.hit, but write realistic things. For example, no "Oh I went out tonight to the Playboy Mansion and had a mssive orgy where I was the only guy." PACE your reality, and set your...
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    The simplest but best advice my mentor keeps giving me.

    Everytime I ask my mentor for advice, he says, "Do whatever you want to do." Not as a way to blow me off, but as the real meaning behind it. This has been applied to life, to women, to work, everything. So everytime you want to ask on the board, "Guys what should I do?" Simple - Do...
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    The Problem with Pook's posts

    ...damn I'm on a posting spree tonight. There are a few writers like Pook and Krasus and Photo-1 who have written some incredibly good posts on this forum. Personally, I like their posts. But there's a mjor problem with those posts: hardly anybody follows them. Most of you read, get...
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    Stop with the idiotic approaches

    I noticed a lot of people are doing a very quick approach where they ask the girl if she has a boyfriend. 98% of the time they say they have boyfriends, but most of them are lying. I'm glad that some of the guys on this board are actually doing something like that, it's very ballsy, but utterly...
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    Progress Journal from AFC to DJ

    No one likes to read/reply to my long, long field reports Of which I"m one of a select few that actually HAVE field reports (whether good or bad, we're out there trying ACTIVELY, not passively). So I'll make these ones short. Post some comments, dammit, I'm an attention *****. :)...
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    Field Report #20 from alphawolf :)

    TWENTY – 3/1 BLAH. That’s how my day was. Some good, some bad, and it averages out to BLAH. Carrie flaked on me for lunch, but I’m not worried. It’s probably because she’s so into me that she KNOWS that if we get together she’ll end up cheating on her boyfriend. She wants me, but she’s...
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    Although I really don't want to share this...

    .. I feel I owe it to the community. No, I owe it to myself to give this out... The NATURAL's bible in other news... What my week is shaping up to be... lunch with carrie on tuesday an ex co-worker of mine who was always into me, but...
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    My "date" with a chick I met from myspace

    Field Report #SEVENTEEN – 2/23 I had a GOOD day today. Yay. So I meet up with Magdelena at the Kennedy Dog Park in Coconut Grove. At first, we were striving for topics since I made the mistake of talking to her for an hour and a half a few weeks ago… so we were eating complete ****, and it...
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    Get Off The Board

    GET OFF THE BOARD... at least for a week seducing women shouldn't be this complicated, we're all men - we were BORN to f.uck women i'm going to take a week off of posting or even READING or visiting this or any other seduction site and just practice it's like a sport. coming here is...
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    Alphawolf's approach journal - the CLIFF NOTES

    This is for those of you that can’t read my long, but detailed versions of my full posts in this thread: I’m doing this for 2 reasons: 1) It will help you if you get something out of it 2) To help me 3) I like being...
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    1 sec to reply to this chick test

    Ready? I'm talking to this girl, getting good rapport with her, then all of a sudden, she takes out some tiny smoke bombs from her pocket and throw them to the floor. As the cmoke spreads, I hear her say "NINJA VANISH!" and afterwards she is nowhere to be found. How to respond? 1 GO
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    Best advice I ever got

    1) Always make sure you are having fun, especially if you go out sarging 2) DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME
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    Bjerte The Troll Is Back!!!

    as aliob... maybe he might be funny, i just don't want our struggling DJ's taking bad advice...
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    Discussing your problems on the board...

    I know everyone has some sticking points that they need advice with. However, it seems that you guys are so focused on WHAT's wrong (so you know what to fix) that you get caught up in all the negativity. There's a few posts on the board about "what's YOUR limiting beliefs?" and so on. I...
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    The MySpace Girl

    first of all... I am an attention *****. read my f.ucking posts, you a.ssholes. i have some long FR's for you all to learn from, and they're entertaing... so read them f.uckers... okay, met this girl on myspace 2 days ago.... basically left a comment under her picture that said...
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    The Journey - My road to becoming a PUA

    Okay, some of these are OLD, so look at the dates on them... and DON'T REPLY TO AN OLDER FR UNTIL YOU'VE FINISHED ALL OF THEM - i don't want you to waste your time... What I used to look like (the one in the glasses) My Myspace...