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  1. F

    Please Help LONG

    Would you guys please please please help me out with this.... I met this woman over a year ago at my workplace. her name will be Diane and her friend will be Julie We seemed to somehow become friends. We would eat lunch everyday. she has a serious boyfriend who supports her and a daughter...
  2. F

    F00d Fetish?

    Once Upon A Time I read something here about woman being into a guys I think they said that they was drinking a certain brand of beer and next time they see the woman she is drinking the same brand of beer. Does anybody remeber this? Why do woman do this? I ask this because, I always go to...
  3. F

    WTF is this ********

    Check it I am talking to this babe I want to bang, and she says that some lady that we work with said to her that She thinks it's funny how me and this babe argue and fight like we are brother and sister. This babe said thats kind of sick. "meaning thinking of us as brother and sister"...
  4. F

    Kissing Problem

    Peep this I guess this is a weird question but hey I have to ask. I was trying to work my game on this sweet little thing and I went to Kiss her and she shot me down. Now she told me "If anything got started between us I wouldn't put a stop to it" but I was like ok this is weird she will not...
  5. F

    Mountain Dew Love

    Once Upon A Time I read something here about woman being into a guys I think they said that they was drinking a certain brand of beer and next time they see the woman she is drinking the same brand of beer. Does anybody remeber this? Why do woman do this? I ask this because, I always go...