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  1. A

    Girl being flaky after I might have come off as a little over eager

    Well I met this girl at work about a month ago. A week after we met we went on a date. The date went great. We had great conversation, lots of kino, she complimented me, and at the end of the night we kissed. She said she had a great time and we should do it again. Well a few days later I asked...
  2. A

    I got needy and desperate with the girl I'm dating. Need some help!!

    Alright I'm 25 and I have been seeing/dating this girl for about a month. She is 21. We had both kind of agreed to keeping things casual for awhile. Everything was going great until her ex had started contacting her. Well I will be the first to admit that I can be a bit insecure and paranoid...