Recent content by Vintovka

  1. V

    Dealing with a sexually inexperienced girl?...

    So I've got this girl who's only been with one other guy before me, and that must have been pretty vanilla or short lived because a few of the things we've done have been the first time for her. What I'm looking for is advice and suggestion on how to best capitalize on this opportunity...
  2. V

    Cell Phone Radiation

    Not to nitpick, but a small correction: EMF is Electromotive Force, aka voltage. Not exactly the same as Electromagnetic Radiation (connected, but not technically identical). You misunderstand how signals transmit via EM waves Bon, as SmoothTalker pointed out earlier, cell towers and phones...
  3. V

    Cell Phone Radiation

    You may already be aware of this but don't let the word radiation confuse you about what exactly is coming out of your phone. Radiation is just one method that energy propagates (conduction, convection, radiation, remember those?) and your phone sends signals by radiating electromagnetic...
  4. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Pull/Push I couldn't get to the gym Thurs morning like usual so I went in the afternoon and it was slam packed. Didn't even bother trying to get anything done, decided to consolidate today. I took the weights down and upped the volume to make it through this expanded work load. For the next...
  5. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Legs Kept squat weight the same as last week, could have bumped it up 5 but wanted to tighten up my form. Leg press was pretty challenging, gonna knock it down some so I can manage 20 reps in one set. Squats 5x245 5x245 5x245 SLDL 15x170 15x170 Leg Press 10x400 10x400
  6. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Pull Poor performance today, I think I know why. Friday night I ate a thin crust pizza and some breaded chicken, bumped me out of ketosis. Then today before lifting I had my standard keto breakfast, so I wasn't in ketosis and had no carbs to speak of in my system. I felt like I was running...
  7. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Push My mood was down, but still made progress. I left the gym without the usual exhaustion. Felt as though I had cheated but all my lifts went up, so dunno. Flat BB Bench 5x165 5x165 5x165 Incline BB Bench 5x120 5x120 5x120 Mil Press 8x75 8x75 7x75 Dropping the weight...
  8. V

    The Science of Testosterone

    I thought that's what post-cycle therapy was for? Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators, Aromatase Inhibitors and all around anti-estrogens.
  9. V

    geting jacked in prison.

    How much time have you spent in prisons looking at inmates with their shirts off? Sure, they're potrayed 'jacked' in movies and on television, but like Espi said, if you ever watch any of those prison documentries they don't seem all that 'ripped.' That's not to say there aren't many who are...
  10. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Legs Found my operational limit on the legpress. Staying the course, diet and cardio in check, throwing in a little HIIT on off days. Squat 5x245 5x245 5x245 SLDL 15x165 15x165 Legpress 15x400
  11. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Pull My cardio capacity is getting stronger, I tossed 15 lbs of text books into a rucksack to add to my morning walks. Gonna throw in a day or two of HIIT in the morning starting next week. Made a short, 5 minutes or so, HIIT circuit around my neighborhood after lifting today. It's gonna be...
  12. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Push I love lifting, seriously, getting into weight lifting is one of, if not the best decision I've ever made. For a multitude of reasons; I feel great during and after lifting, I look forward to it on rest days. I've gone from a guy women never looked at and would go out of their way to...
  13. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Legs Felt good today, almost bumped squats up an extra 5 lbs, but decided to play it safe. Squats 5x240 5x240 5x240 SLDL 15x160 15x160 Leg Press 20x375 Cardio and diet in check, could stand to drink more water.
  14. V

    Vintovka's Lifting Journal

    Pull Thanks for the advice WBA, I'll lower the weight a bit and shoot for 8 reps on the mil press for awhile, the slow negatives sound good, used them today with chins. Deadlift 5x265 5x265 5x265 30 lbs over my current bodyweight, hooray for progress. Pendlay Row 5x155 5x155...
  15. V

    I can't get up in the morning!

    Have sleep apnea? If you're sleeping 8 hours and are still tired it's a possibility. Considered chemical assistance? Ephederine and Caffeine get me woke up real well.