Recent content by Unbridled_Phoenix

  1. U

    Now it's my turn to LJBF someone

    Ahh...the tangled web of fraternity politics... That's all I got. But don't sh!t where you eat next time man. Jeez.
  2. U

    My battle with a handsome millionaire over her (summarized)

    It sounds like you played this pretty good, except for the part about her talking to you about money...but you had this girl chasing you. Also, I would not have put the demand on her of "him or me"; I wouldn't have said anything at all. Next, that's it, nothing more to talk about, move...
  3. U

    The fat question

    DonGorgon said it.
  4. U

    CAN i Ask a dumb question????

    Don't sweat it. If a girl ever asks me for my number, I laugh and walk away. 99% of the time you will never hear from them.
  5. U

    How to pull a stripper?

    A buddy of mine was witness to the greatest stripper story ever told. Once upon a time, there were two guys going home from a bar. They didn't get any chicks, but they were drunk and hungry, and they stopped at a waffle house. So here's the scene: 2:00 in the morning at a waffle house just...
  6. U

    LTR - Dealing with the EX Boyfriend

    He's probably an AFC anyways. But see that you do not become AFC by worrying about such trivial matters.
  7. U

    "you look like a player"

    *heavy sarcasm* "And you look like an innocent little bunny hopping through the forest." I might try that sometime. I always deflect it when I hear this one. "Hell, don't know what you're talking about", then onto something else. The less I try to always have the perfect reply to "you...
  8. U

    Tricky Relationship Advice Needed

    Also bear in mind that women always have a soft spot for the guy who ran out on them. That's the guy who ends up fvcking her again, not the guy she dumped because he turned into a pvssy.
  9. U

    Husband lets wife beat him every week

    "Yep, she's the boss." hahaha I hate when men say that.
  10. U


    Ghetto and gay.
  11. U

    Equipment to throw a good party?

    Hire a DJ who brings the lights with him (what kind of DJ doesn't have lights?) Go to TSC and buy a cattle trough. Fill it with cheap vodka, fruit punch and sliced fruit. It's called Hairy Buffalo, but it should be called Shaved Vag1na, cause that's how the story ends.
  12. U

    Have a Merry Capitalist Christmas....

    Here's a roll of toiletpaper. Have a merry socialist christmas.
  13. U

    this girl is pissing me off

    What he said.
  14. U

    How to approach her?

    Too late. Let the awkwardness commence.
  15. U

    last chance with 1itis, can u save it once her mind is nmade up?

    It's too late. You acted like a pvssy too many times. This one is done. Any more of your time spent chasing this girl will only be a further source of embarassment for you in the near future. A man has to know when to make himself a rare commodity. That time has come and passed, now...