Recent content by silverback

  1. S

    AMOG Wars

    Nice observation "comode" I mean "comote" :D See, just tried to AMOG you...if the joke get's a laugh, then it works. If the joke flops...make a joke about your bad jokes! There's also very aggresive AMOGing, and very subtle AMOGing. The point is NOT to make yourself look like a "macho...
  2. S

    How Do I get out of a pickup with a number and still hang out at the same bar.

    Jakeyboy's advice is pure gold! I've used that exact line on strippers and they love it! A variation is "you keep coming around and flirting with me" Also, I think it helps if you have a quieter spot that you take the girls to under some innocent pretext. Then set a short time constraint "I...
  3. S

    Thank You

    Right on Brother! You have a natural gift for opening, and a great sense of humor, so I know you'll go far! Just stay away from strippers for now, they'll put your new knowledge to the test real quick!:p