Recent content by Paps

  1. P

    On Which Level Are You???

    Im sure Ive read this before somewhere, think may be mASF. Nevertheless interesting stuff. Found this board, and first started my path to DJism 1.5 years ago. Come along way since then, id say green PUA 3. Extremely grateful to this board. Was completely clueless about girls before...
  2. P

    This site is a breeding ground for mental masturbation.

    Yeah good post. May be we should start a thread where people can post their goals in life, so others can read and (a) be inspired (b) see that achieving a goal is very possible (c) offer advice to others with similar goals Personally, I had a epiphany last night. I couldnt sleep at all...
  3. P

    called her while drunk

    Dude, dont drink and dial. Its a no no. Write it on your forehead.
  4. P


    Thank you Pook
  5. P

    Two new g-spots?

    Hey guys, I know of one of the new "spots." Its the anterior fornices located infront of the cervix. It feels like a depression infront of the dome shaped cervix. Stimulation there causes the girl to experience a deep vaginal orgasm nothing like the ****oral one. Apparently you can get...
  6. P

    Life is for Living

    Yeah I agree Flogger. The idea of being 80y/o man dying on a bed thinkin "Damn, I wish I lived life to its fullest. So many wasted oppotunities, just because I didnt have any balls. Now its too late, I lead a boring, lonely, unfufilling life. and none of my dreams came true. I wish I...
  7. P

    Are you Alpha? Really?

    I dont want to be an arrogant, macho, egotistical arsehole... no. I dont want to come across that way, and I dont want to be that guy. I want to be a guy people respect because I respect others, treat them as equals no matter what their status. Ive met some arrogant people, Im sure we...
  8. P

    Logical thought blocks Emotion

    Re: I disagree Yes, I see what you're saying. Having this mindset definitely helps me with approaching. It prevents alot of unecessary thinking. It helps me rationalize the situation, understand the fear, and act. Romangod, I agree, logic over emotion anyday.
  9. P

    Seriously pissed off. What would you do?

    ditch the b1tch
  10. P

    Logical thought blocks Emotion

    Guys, We've all been there. When you first started reading all this material you thought you were the shizzle. Your confidence was high (whilst infront of the computer), and you can't wait to get in the field and test this stuff out. So night comes, and you finally hit the club. All...
  11. P

    Are you Alpha? Really?

    With so much talk of being the alpha and stuff, I wonder if we are misdirecting people to be arrogant/macho/egotisical arseholes. Ive been there myself, might be still there I dno. But when you read something like 'You either know you're an alpha, deep down, you really know." Everyone...
  12. P

    re·jec·tion (r-jkshn) Are you scared of this word?

    Why practice failure? You produce what you train, so why do you train yourself to get rejected? Dont come across as a jerk just because you want to show you have the balls to approach. That isnt the point. This way you can cover up your rejection by saying "I wasnt being myself, I just...
  13. P

    Do any of you just LOVE the game?

    I love how all those hours spent reading DJ material, countless of discussion with mates, memorising sections of the DJ Bible pay off in the field. Its like you're not really aware of it at the time. But because the right mindset is there, everything just falls into place.
  14. P

    Lets all gather in one DC++ hub

    Sounds good. I got most of the DYD videos, lots of the interviews and loads of other self help stuff. And loads of comedy mp3s. self help stuff includes stuff like Anthony robbins, Feel the fear and do it anyways, Voice training programs, etc IMO the only things worth spending...
  15. P

    Turning up the dial...

    I thought of a few more Indian head massage Footrubs Sucking on fingers Massaging inside crease of the knee Kissing along the eyebrows Kissing the temples Kissing along the spinal column Squeezing the achilles tendon Tracing their gum line with ur tongue during a frenchie Lifting her...