Recent content by Omen

  1. O

    Saving On Supplements When Times Are Tough

    No, it's not necessary to have them, but the key word is called "supplement" Are there certain ones out there that help out quite a bit? You bet. You have to remember that as times go by, science advances, and we learn things we never learned before. Take for instance the PeptoPro above I...
  2. O

    Saving On Supplements When Times Are Tough

    It's been a few months since i've posted on here, but I thought I would share some information for those of you who don't want to give up your supplements, but are tired of paying more then you need to for them. This is information based off of my years of experience in the supplement industry...
  3. O

    She's just TOO nice...

    See, at the same time too, I think there is another classification as to what YOU had. While there is the girl that may be too nice, I think there is the type that can be too nice, and too clingy. The girl I speak of, I dont see calling all the time, waiting around, not doing her thing, etc...
  4. O

    She's just TOO nice...

    Is she hot? lol. She's cute. You ever picture these dorky type of way. Now I dont mean she's a dork and all, its just how I phrase her. Someone else came up to me and goes... you and so is kind of cute in this weird way. I started laughing because I knew what he meant...
  5. O

    She's just TOO nice...

    And that's what I try to help her with. I'll try to get her to not take something. Or if she apologizes, I tell her... No, you dont need to apologize. But this goes with what "The Bat" said. You feel like a baby sitter, and you shouldn't have to be her parents. At the same time too, you...
  6. O

    She's just TOO nice...

    We all know many girls have low self esteem, and it is very possible with this one. Even though I may not see it at work, and or what is going on inside her brain, it is definitely possible. I mean she's not ugly, she only has a few extra pounds, but we all know how women think. When your...
  7. O

    She's just TOO nice...

    No, she's just genuinely nice. She has friends outside work, has friends at work, everyone loves her, she talks to people, but she's just proper, and there are many things i've noticed about her. One day she asked for her paycheck, and she kind of stood there with a shrug look like she was...
  8. O

    She's just TOO nice...

    So i've been on this subject with a few people at work, and we've been talking about this girl who is just too nice. She's 18, and one of those girls who was brought up to be really sincere, and all of that jazz. She says thanks and sorry, ALL OF THE TIME, and she even says it when she doesn't...
  9. O

    2008 Enter The Cougar Craze

    For me, this older woman thing is kind of scary since I dont know what to expect. I've always dated women younger than me. ALWAYS. Partly due to the fact I look so much younger, and that I am pretty active and full of energy. Recently I started talking to someone online who is 38 (i'll be...
  10. O

    everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women...

    -Being the NICE guy doesn't land you women. Being THAT guy only lands you girl "friends". Loads of compliments, tons of gifts, and tons of attention DOES NOT WORK. While women like this stuff, it's because they know they can use you just like every other chump out there, and get free stuff...
  11. O

    The crying shoulder

    All she did was bring me animal crackers. I told her the day she had some, that I love those things, and that I usually have some, but I forgot them today. So she swore she'd bring some. Then she did. I was seriously shocked when she brought them. I was really just pulling her chain. But...
  12. O

    I have cancer

    That sucks dude. Make sure you keep your immune system up as much as possible. Going through Chemo will suck. It will tear your immune system apart. This means more room for getting sick since it wont be as strong. So yes, eat healthy, always wash your hands, and do what you can to stay strong.
  13. O

    The crying shoulder

    I think the boundaries are important and how we use our resources. If a woman comes to me cause she REALLY needs my help, support, etc, I will give it. What I wont do, is try to listen to a females problems just to do it, to pretend I care, so I can spark something with her. I think this is...
  14. O

    The crying shoulder

    DrD77... That's good that it isn't you. I know that it happens to people of all ages, and I was there at one point too. I was even like that I think at 24 with this one girl. Man was I wrong. After that experience, never again will I do any of that. Now if I know a girl who just has...
  15. O

    The crying shoulder

    I was at work last night, and this girl was there who was new, and she was in and out of moods. I guess her bf and her are having problems. Anyway, this one guy I was talking too, who is 18, will flirt with her, but last night he made a HUGE AFC mistake. This girl who left came back in, and...