Recent content by NotaRobot

  1. N

    Trust and keys

    I gave one of the women I am seeing keys to my place as often I’m still at work when she comes over. She can let herself in if she gets off work earlier, get me dinner, all good. Can’t see a problem with that. I don’t have anything to hide. She can knock herself out if she wants to go looking...
  2. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    Essentially I’ve taken you’re advice guys and I’m very appreciative. It’s helped me a lot. I’m not magically cured and above it all by any means but at least now I can see the beginnings of the path I must take. I’m not cutting her off completely but I’m focusing on myself and also meeting...
  3. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    agreed. And that’s the plan. My FWB I’m talking about knows I’m cool with being friends now. No more discussion. When we catch up we can catch up but I’m not going out of my way do do so. She messaged me this morning wanting to catch up for a coffee today. I told her maybe later in the week or...
  4. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    You’re completely right. The answer is to involve yourself with other women. Thank you What are you taking about? You know I’m not taking about the same woman right?
  5. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    All good. I’ve found the cure she’s cancelled her “plans” and she coming around to mine Friday night
  6. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    Well I sent the text offering a catch up for drink or I could make her dinner - but she replied with no answer to that question. Just complimented that the kitchen looked awesome and hoped that I was well... I should have been more specific with a particular day in mind?
  7. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    Ok so if the only way forward is to get date more women.... I met a young lady after I played a gig. She came on strong but I was in a relationship at the time. My brother works with her flat mate and apparently there’s still potential. We’d spoken briefly on the phone one night (we were out...
  8. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    Far out how do you get through the temptation to make contact again?
  9. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    Oh ok. She’s not refusing sex. She doesn’t want me to get my hopes up about a relationship - because she’s been burnt by me twice and can’t risk those emotions again. So the script has been flipped. I peaked out and said I don’t know if I can continue with that arrangement. And it went on from...
  10. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    We’ve always agreed to be honest about other partners if that we’re to occur so as far as I’m concerned I trust her in that respect
  11. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    What is cucking?
  12. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    I’m aware I messed it up by 1) reacting the way I did 2) becoming over emotional 3) in particular saying I couldn’t just be friends and goodbye - then texting the next morning reconsidering that maybe I could with some time I’ve already resigned myself to meeting women again. Although I hate...
  13. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    Thanks guys. I really do appreciate your input. I’ll admit I can be as fickle as anyone. This severe lack of sleep on my part has got me looking at dating profiles which has helped take my mind off thoughts of her - as bad as that sounds. I’m realistic about unplugging and seeing other women...
  14. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    So many different opinions. Yes I’m 45 but I’m still learning. I like her. Somehow we keep gravitating together. I can’t help that. I will try and start meeting other women though. I’ve given up the prospect of being In A relationship again with this woman. What will be will be. I was torn...
  15. N

    FWB vs Relationship

    You guys have been the best help I’ve had. Can you keep beating me about the head so I don’t cave please!