Recent content by MrGold

  1. M

    Pls help me guys......

    Dont 'chat' to her. You'll lose the game in 2 hours.
  2. M

    why can't i perform properly especially when she's on top?

    I couldnt agree more! Has a huge negative effect on your sex drive... Also try using some intimate foreplay manuveurs, can heighten your sensitivity and prove more fruitful when you do get bag that bootay! Gold :rolleyes:
  3. M

    A little help here guys?

    Make out like you have the wrong number altogether and use it as banter unless shes close with your friend? Kinda the same situation when you're acting on a number you recieved from a drunk girl? <--- Maybe use that one lol!
  4. M

    I'm 21. They're 25+.

    I'll take your word for it Cali, I'll try and develop game for chicks my own age lol!
  5. M

    I'm 21. They're 25+.

    Yeah its like its been put on a plate for me! Little work required..
  6. M

    I'm 21. They're 25+.

    Hahaha I'd like to think so!
  7. M

    I'm 21. They're 25+.

    Im working, studying, standard life stuff. Began gaming older chicks recently and have found huge returns. Before I ask my question, they all know my age and aren't phased. Chick 1. HB6/7. Asian. 26. Met her 3times. Only kissed her. Pushing for a relationship. Chick 2. HB7. Blonde. 30...
  8. M

    Another PUA

    Get another girl dude?
  9. M

    What is this?

    Do it back to her and see how she reacts ;) When my missus busts BS like that on me to get a reaction I dont give her dust.. I just wait a week and and add a fit bird on facebook, poke her, let her poke me back and leave it for her to see! As soon as she realises you got options she'll fix...
  10. M

    What are your sexual preferences?

    Performing cunnilingus :D
  11. M

    Which DHV's Works best for you?

    Bar/Club scenerio: Banter with bartenders/barmaids, general club officials.. Be seen befriending other alpha males. Chicks dig a mysterious guy with tonnes of social proof. Works for me.
  12. M

    Hot chick hit me up on POF. Now I feel AFC

    Probably a dude. Becareful brother.
  13. M

    Females are retarded...

    Lol, I'm not after revenge, im actually after a logical explanation if anything.. If i wanted payback i think that would have been a little too easy with possession of her number. Sooo ur advice is ignore her like i have been for the past coupla years?
  14. M

    Females are retarded...

    All gravy.. How are you? You ask like you know me?! Enlighten me...?
  15. M

    Females are retarded...

    Quick history ---> went out for 2years, broke up 2years ago. She tries to get back with me after she found out her rebound (yes she admitted it) was a manipulative freak (HA!), which occurred around last year December.. I basically tell her to F off because im amazing :cool: I...