Recent content by Monkey D. Luffy

  1. M

    removing virus for computer everything you need in there^ serial number is in the txt. document.
  2. M

    Smoking, how DJ is that?

    yes, cigarrettes kill, cannabis heals.
  3. M

    'Most creative'/ 'Best date' you've done

    this guy is my ****ing hero.
  4. M

    failed neghit attempt badly

    My myspace song owns all. but yeah, I would've said, you need to change whatever plans you have this saturday and hang out with me...
  5. M

    I Plan on throwing a huge party...IDEAS?

    Apparently someone has a lack imagination...let's a take a look-see at my post again. You could pour half a bottle into each bucket, and pour the gallon of OJ and KA in each one, and every one will be ****ed up by the end of the party. Rubbing alcohol = Isopropyl alcohol Everclear =...
  6. M

    do any of you guys smoke weed?

    I wasn't talking about the song...
  7. M

    do any of you guys smoke weed? at chapter one, and you should be a pro by the end!) (the forum here should be helpful) Since you're a beginner I doubt you know how to roll blunts or joints. I suggest buying a small $15-$30 glass bowl(pipe) from a pipe shop, find yourself some...
  8. M

    Problem, Problem, Problem

  9. M

    How to find out if she likes you or REALLY likes you.

    I have an even sadder life. I've never kissed a girl, hugged a girl, or even held a girl's hand. I'm 18 years old. All throughout HS I would say I was rejected by at least 450 girls, and the count is climbing. I was maniacally depressed and wanted to kill myself all throughout 10th grade, the...
  10. M

    I Plan on throwing a huge party...IDEAS?

    I don't know about you, but I put 3-7 grams in a blunt. Alright, maybe a half pound then.
  11. M

    I Plan on throwing a huge party...IDEAS?

    hell yeah, One Piece owns all.
  12. M

    do any of you guys smoke weed?

    it depends on where in Europe you are. I suggest going to a bar and talking to random people, first make some convo, then just ask where you can score some drugs. If you're in Amsterdam, it's literally everywhere. Growing out of windows, in coffeeshops, on every street corner, in clubs...
  13. M

    Problem, Problem, Problem

    Um, you asked for help, I gave my opinion. Geez, I didn't know Viet Cong was still alive and thriving on the internet.
  14. M

    do any of you guys smoke weed?

    Snoop Dogg told me to do it everyday, so that's what I do...when I have some. I ran out 2 days ago, supposed to be getting some more(a lot more) in about 2 weeks. There's nothing wrong with smoking weed. Get a girl to smoke with you and you're set...
  15. M

    I Plan on throwing a huge party...IDEAS?

    1 bottle of Everclear(190-proof, 95% alcohol) 1 gallon of Orange Juice 1 Gallon of Kool-Aid 2 buckets 1 pound of marijuana about 50 blunts Expect not to remember much the next day., it depends on what type of party you're having. The White Stripes are what I'm into...