Recent content by mattymcmatt

  1. M

    Why are people against improvement? A rant

    Remember this: the whole world is trying to make you an AFC. Also, whenever you take advice from someone, try to figure out their alterior motives behind it. I think I read in one of David Lieberman's books that very few people in the world will actually offer advice without their intentions...
  2. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    One night, this chick locked me out of my dorm room and the res advisor with the master key wasn't around. So she said to me, in front of a group of people mind you, "My roomate isn't home tonight. You can sleep in my room." I had absolutely no reply to this. It's not like I missed this. I...
  3. M

    Your Posture says alot about Who You Are

    A great example of this is the movie Fight Club. Just watch it and compare Brad Pitt's posture to Edward Norton's. It's easy to tell who's the more confident character just from their posture.