Recent content by Matheau

  1. M

    The truth about confidence

    Experience has very little to do with confidence. Confidence is the ability to actually go and do something, and be able to accept the consequences for that action, good or bad. Experience will help with getting more favorable results from those actions and can help some people have more faith...
  2. M

    do a job u hate but pays a lot of $, no one likes their job

    Your examples are not really that good. Most teachers I have met like their jobs. Unless there is a reason for them to stay at school after people leave, they don't since there isn't any real reason for them to stay at an empty school. Teachers also don't generally get paid very much, it varies...
  3. M

    Do Not Jack Off!

    The idea that masturbation itself causes reduced libido, lack of sexual desire, or lack of performance is a myth, like masturbation will make you go blind or grow hair on your palms. However, it can be obsession or an addiction, which is why it does reduce those things for some people, just...
  4. M

    Pheromone Cologne

    Actually there have been peer reviewed studies that have shown that pheromones do in fact work on humans. Just to name a couple more major and conclusive ones, Archives of Sexual Behavior, February 1998, and Phyiology and Behavior, March 2002, both peer reviewed journals had studies on...
  5. M

    Book Recommendation: "Natural Cures They Don't Want you To know About."

    There is a few things that should be pointed out. 1) Placebos do actually have success rates (in fact in a couple of studies I've seen placebos have out performed hollistic remedies, because the testing group believed the placebo would work, but not the hollistic remedy group). So just...
  6. M

    Dancing - I suck

    Take classes in ballroom dance. The rest, you don't need, you can pretty easily do those without any really skill or training, but with ballroom dances it is extremely obvious if you know what you are doing. Once you get practice, they are very natural, and you can get the girl to do exactly...
  7. M

    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    This could go on endlessly about why people are homosexual, considering there isn't one definitive, universally accepted theory about it yet, anything about it is speculation. However, I have dated quite a few confirmed bisexuals and one lesbian (I'm not exactly sure why she went out with me...
  8. M

    The key to popularity:initiate and accept!

    Flattery doesn't just mean being insincere. Excessive, but still sincere, praise is also flattery. If you give compliments out easily, they lose their value and can be construed as flattery.
  9. M

    The key to popularity:initiate and accept!

    I think, as mentioned before, this is something that largely is only going to work for certain people and not in every situation anyways. You do need to be careful with compliments though. You really shouldn't compliment people for the sake of giving compliments, it usually comes off as...
  10. M

    Hottie's cell phone is broken. E-mail or facebook?

    If at possible, if you can run into her without going out of your way, in person, I usually find that is a lot better. If it absolutely has to be between those two, go with e-mail.