Recent content by MackTheKnife

  1. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    Ok so I've become aware of a serious problem that I need to fix NOW. Things are going really good socially and I'm breaking new ground with girls. Been hanging out with a cool group of friends at school. Went on a date with a chick (didn't work out because lack of chemistry but it was cool...
  2. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    Another post dealing with ego/mindset and this is more on dominance/submission, or hardness/softness, or yang/yin. Everyone knows that women find dominance attractive, and I'm not going to argue with that here. It's true. But, what's even more attractive than pure dominance is the ability to...
  3. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    I have some interactions to write about but I'll save them for later. Just want to post about ego and mindset for now. I was walking down the sidewalk at Uni (on the right side as is the custom to do, just like driving on a road), when I noticed two really big dudes walking towards me on the...
  4. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    Quick update. Yesterday was cool. Went to the gym in the morning. Later on met quite a few cool dudes who I might hang out with more in the future. Went to a campus BBQ and socialized, did a bunch of approaches (approaching at a social event is like 5x easier than approaching cold during the...
  5. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    The workouts are going well. Started using the gym at my school, it's pretty cool. I have a feeling there will be many good opportunities to approach chicks at this gym. So I went out to the mall today. Was using the bathroom and an old short italian guy using the urinal next to me opened me...
  6. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    Chilling at the cottage with my mom, sis, and her BF. Had a little revelation and wanted to share it with you guys. For anyone who isn't COMPLETELY satisfied (as much sex, money, status, kids, etc. as you can possibly want) and is having problems getting there, your problem comes from...
  7. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    Ok dudes, an update. Yesterday was a rest day, and I had some fun times. Went out to see that Guardians of the Galaxy movie in 3D with my friend. Good movie, funny and almost cried during one part. After the movie we drove back to his place where his sister was hosting a bonfire. Had a BLAST...
  8. M

    Wanting a girl vs Wanting to be able to get girls

    Thanks so much dudes. It feels good knowing I have my fellow DJs to back me up. I can't talk to any of my friends about this, as they just get awkward. I've decided what I want and I make a journal post that outlines my goals. I'm in this for the long haul now, no *****ing out. No...
  9. M

    Wanting a girl vs Wanting to be able to get girls

    Thanks man. It's nice to have someone read about my sh!t and relate to it. Yeah, I'm just being a b!tch. I'm only getting started on my journey and it's natural for the beginning to be less fun and more stressful. Cause I have no idea wtf I'm doing. But at least I'm getting out there and...
  10. M

    The Journey Journal (Beginner to.. Boss)

    Yo dudes. Here's the deal. I'm Canadian, 20, white, male, 5'7", 123lbs, virgin (two past girlfriends, kissing only). Straight up. This is the beginning of something special (actually it started a while ago but I'm documenting it now). So recently I decided to take my life into my own hands...
  11. M

    Wanting a girl vs Wanting to be able to get girls

    Hey dudes. Love this website. So many good posts and so many cool guys that I've learned from. I'm in need of some help from you guys (I'm pretty much a beginner). Has anyone ever been in a contemplative mood and wondered why they do what they do with women? Specifically, whether you really...