Recent content by Liberated

  1. L

    I got a little problem...

    I don't see what your hangup is about the escort. There is nothing special about your virginity.
  2. L

    hooking up, but i'm a virgin?

    You never get attached to the one your lose your v-card to.
  3. L

    Give Women Guns! :O scary!

    Gun prohibition is a lot like religion, it requires blind faith and it doesn't do s***t! :D Most of the murders in this country are drugwar related anyway. Decriminalize drugs and the market bottoms out.
  4. L

    My Porpose In Life

    You seem to have a lot of romantic BS notions about relationships. Stop that right now! :nono: You just reek of virgin! ;)
  5. L

    Prostitution is not legal because:

    Marriage is legalized prostitution in which the client gets ripped off.
  6. L

    fighting question

    I like the Chin jab from the Fairbairn-sykes-applegate-mccann school. Just keep hitting him until he goes down.
  7. L

    Is it too late to go from nothing to being a DJ?

    It depends on what you want. I know one guy who just finds a good looking escort once a month and does that. He is happy with his work life and hobbies and doesn't like the idea of being tied down to a woman on the pretense that she is his "soulmate" or some other pseudo-mystical BS.
  8. L

    My Porpose In Life

    Get on the workout program and find a pretty escrt who looks like a girl you had a crush/got dumped/rejected hard by.
  9. L

    When she says she wants to wait...

    Sounds like string along BS to me. Women will use the prospect of sex to control men.
  10. L

    Broken Heart, Any Advice??

    Run like hell and find a decent priced h**ker to get that AFC knocked out of you. :crackup: Screw the kid, break the bond. It is easier than you think.