Recent content by inerte

  1. I


    I read the first posts and didn't even had to read the rest to have my advice. PLAY ALONG. The conversation tips are not rules, case in point: ss:where are you from? hb6:im from city. why are you asking? ss:are you from city? im new here and want to make some friends.... ss:im from...
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    Some creative first date ideas?

    - Zoo - Circus - Con (Anime, Movies) - Music festivals Basically, places where a lot of stuff happens so you have plenty to talk about. Create a memory.
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    I am rotten at judging womens' ages

    After the "opener", or just small talk, ask: I won't.... get into trouble.... talking to you, will I? You look like you're sixteen. If she says yes, say sorry and move on. If she's below 18-22, she won't mind and will laugh. If she's above 22, chances are she will take it as a...
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    Forgot to Mention

    You thought that you had lactose intolarence? And you drank soy, and got back to cow's, but figured out, by yourself that you have the enzymes now? Wtf... just go to a doctor.
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    Ex LTR - Pregnant?!?

    I wrote a long post detailing past experiences with this subject but I decided to delete and just say this. 1) Be sure that she's pregnant; 2) If she is, CONGRATULATIONS, on two things: Children are awesome; and you're acting like a man here. Being a DJ is ultimately following your...
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    Going to clubs/bars alone

    Practice. Practice. And then some more. But not only going out. You need more. Try to come up with questions to ask people. Could be one-liners, you're just developing social skills. - Hey man, I've never drink this beer XXX. I usually go for YYY. Is it any good? - What time is it...
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    What's the difference between a woman's sincere concern and a test or manipulation?

    If I concede her wish, will it improve the relationship in a way that I want?
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    Gf feeling intimidated?

    Women are irrational, news at 11. PMS maybe? Or does she always act like that?
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    How do I escape the cycle

    Once I read somewhere that women get over a man in 3 months. They cry a lot, a lot more, than cry and scream. Men suffer in silence (we don't cry!) for an year. So remember that what you're going through is normal. But you don't have to wait 8 months to forget her. If this were the 50's I...
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    Spontaneous or AFC?

    If you said "I am going to see you" and she said "Yes, please do", it's not AFC. You see, the trick "I have something to do, would you like to come along?" it's just that, one option. It's not a rule. Don't get caught in a mentality that you should always follow PUA tatics, the DJ Bible...
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    Put it on the line - and lost -sort of

    Friend: Get to know _her_ female friends. Get invited to parties. But remember it's a two way street. Invite her to some parties too. Not movies, dinner, that kinda of one-on-one stuff. Invite her (and friends) to activities that you want her to invite you. I am not talking about a deep...
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    Competition Apparently...

    You've asked for the girl, she didn't say yes. Know the difference. It isn't that she said no. It isn't the she said maybe. She did not say yes, which was the answer you were looking for. It's like asking a cop to not apply a parking ticket. No other answer matters. Don't bother about...
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    3 things losers do...

    The intensity of how she denied one of your requests. You "next" when she flat out says no when you make a reasonable invite for something to do together, knowing that if she was interested she would say yes. You do not quit when she says "Maybe", "I don't know", "I will only be free in...
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    Girlfriend Kissed her ex!

    I would have dumped her. What kind of love do you believe? I want you to think what love means. If someone from a couple can kiss ex-girl/boyfriends, it's not my kind of love. My kind of partner for life. Will she ever do it again? Who knows? Who cares? SHE DID IT ALREADY. Now it's the...
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    Does she want more?