Recent content by DaveHart

  1. D

    How bad is this?

    hate to be a buzzkill but first look at this: Next realize that at your ages and experience levels this relationship would not last... and also realize that if your dad is serious with her mom and say... they get married... your going to be stuck with a...
  2. D

    What the hell does this mean?

    How long have you known her and how far have you gone with her? (not emotionally, physically) There is a window of opportunity... this looks like the classic waiting to long issue. You wait to long so out of self preservation she convinces herself that you 2 wouldn't work together anyway. Women...
  3. D

    Replace fear with curiosity

    I thought I'd interject this little tidbit myself. Did you know that anxiety (fear) and anticipation (excitement) are biologically the same? The release the same chemicals... the only difference is we percieve one as negative and one as positive. Change your perception, change your life ;-)
  4. D

    If you were a chick, would YOU date YOU?

    I'd marry me ;-)
  5. D

    back to the beginning

    okay quick tips for you to get back up on your feet, I'll give a short step by step: Open- do this however you feel comfortable... doesnt much matter. direct, opinion, situational, whatever. questions and statements- now you want to ask her question and make statements yourself about things...
  6. D

    Dee-Zy 100 approach challenge - homage.

    Interesting idea, how long do you plan to take for your 100%? You gunna blast it out quickly or take your time and go for quality?
  7. D

    Question about my passion in life.

    People tend to follow your cue on how to react to things. It's like a vicious cycle, you think she will dislike the fact that you enjoy videos games, she feels this on some level based off how you communicate it to her and does dislike it... because that's what she was supposed to do. Making...