Recent content by CopperGoat

  1. C

    Man Law

    Like the last guy said, if your gonna try and flame someone atleast try to make sense. You need to loosen up and quit being a little *****. Some of these are true but are still for your entertainment. How am I AFC by saying that? Because I don't like childish sports? Face it women have...
  2. C

    girl secret: pretending to be weaker then they actually are!

    Well they're not just emotionally smarter. Their intelligence lies in their superior judgment of security and safety. Yes a man may have big dreams, but what are those dreams? How dangerous are they in which he will actually end up in the gutter? Is he just day dreaming? As Nietzsche says, it's...
  3. C

    Man Law

    You're so pathetic. You're gonna let your buddy piss himself and call it the "weakest bladder"? that's so retarded, he might have drank more than you. girls don't like sports because sports are so childish and pathetic! You think they care about your "masculine bag of tricks"? moral peril...
  4. C

    folks harassing me on making more money-just finished college

    Yes your dad is an *******, who just like everyone else in this shallow, insincere and post-modern world believes that making lots of money is the meaning of life. To answer your homeless question, many people choose to be homeless, simply because it's easier to live that way, and if you don't...
  5. C

    girl secret: pretending to be weaker then they actually are!

    Faca, I know that you cannot be totally 100% masculine or feminine, just read Otto Weininger's "Sex and Character" for more info on that, plus a whole other range of nice things. Another thing is that "human nature" is just social conditioning and culture for centuries, it's not necessarily...
  6. C

    classroom approaching?

    My god you are trying way toooo hard for this ****. Just go out there and talk to them, that's it, you'll get better every time. Don't worry about all these stupid sites, wasting your time reading articles, and reading about how some other male cloddish brute found better ways to get into some...
  7. C

    Don't Marry Career Women

    Man the first mistake you're making is marriage here, and having kids. Don't you realize that marriage is today the ultimate spiritual killer of men? It takes all your money, all your vigor and vitality, and all your time, sacrificing yourself, to some hoe and some stupid kids, who I wouldn't...
  8. C

    girl secret: pretending to be weaker then they actually are!

    Faca you're been fooled by women. First of all you contradict yourself by saying that you don't believe that there is one dominant and one submissive, then you say the woman should be submissive and men dominating, I don't know how you didn't see this! Secondly, you're failing to see just...
  9. C

    All Women Cheat, But You Can Prevent Yours From Doing So!!!!

    the main reason that battered wives stay is because they feel good knowing how much the guy needs her.
  10. C

    girl secret: pretending to be weaker then they actually are!

    Dude that's what I've been trying to say, just read what this crazy woman is saying. and concerning your advice I wouldn't help them at all or care about her problems unless we're in a relationship. There's...
  11. C

    The NUMBER ONE mistake EVERY man makes with women is....?

    Dude, thanks for the agreement and I'm quite intrigued by your obnoxious analogy to an 80 year old zebra. But I'll have to say I'm not quite on that par yet, not even asking for numbers? So how would you expect it to advance? Furthermore, is the 80 year old dominant and assertive? Or does he...
  12. C

    The NUMBER ONE mistake EVERY man makes with women is....?

    Karma's a ***** ain't it? So don't act like you know me either. Generic factory labels? Like how every man should be dominant and every woman submissive, atleast that's what you guys here say all the time.
  13. C

    The NUMBER ONE mistake EVERY man makes with women is....?

    Your childish and ignorant reply already shows how much you've been deceived by women. First off, like I'm said I'm intimidating towards women, because my confidence and ruthlessness has reached extreme limits, after all the **** I've experienced not only with women but with men in a short...
  14. C

    The NUMBER ONE mistake EVERY man makes with women is....?

    I suggest letting her do alot of the work, including being the CONTENT provider, it's not always about being in your world, she has to show what she's made of as well. You can only be charming for so long, otherwise it will get redundant, boring, and dull. Maybe my intimidation is too much, I...
  15. C

    The NUMBER ONE mistake EVERY man makes with women is....?

    Can't you see that you're the usual pathetic male donkey here, just like everyone else? The truth is that SHE HAS ALL THE POWER, because SHE HAS THE ***** Not only that, you DON'T have superior intellect or capabilities in life. Chances are she's smarter than you and knows what you want...