Recent content by 8===0---

  1. 8

    Gf gone on holiday.

    save your morals incel
  2. 8

    Saw Ex Tonight

    your sister must be a land whale. or your g@y
  3. 8

    Saw Ex Tonight

    Go jot an entry in your teary eyed she male journal you knob polishing peter puffer
  4. 8

    Gf gone on holiday.

    Don't play innocent with me you filthy, sniveling little pervert. you know you've taken a whiff of your sister soiled panties before.
  5. 8

    Saw Ex Tonight

    I saw your Ex last night too o.p and paid her fitty bucks to have sEx.
  6. 8

    Gf gone on holiday.

    if you want to spin the most plates get a job at your local greasy spoon as a dishwasher.